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Welcome to Selene, the only solar system in the galaxy known to be inhabited.
If you are new, what a great occasion that you have decided to join our galactic community! Make sure to join our chat, create an account on our forum and register your nation in the Global Information Survey, so that you may start participating in the affairs of our system.
If you are already a member, still visit our chat and make sure to continue sharing the stories of your nation and people in our forum! There is always something new happening in Selene.
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  Global Information Survey
Posted by: - 05-27-2018, 03:54 PM - No Replies

[Image: 28KCBoy.png]

Welcome to the Global Information Survey!

Founded in 1953, the Giorgios Passolides Centre for Statistical Research is the foremost statistical institution in Selene, tasked with gathering data from around the world to assist class and research efforts for the faculty and students of the University of Byzantium. In addition, due to the 1987 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Office of Statistical Analysis, it provides expert assistance to the Government of Selene in its data collection and processing efforts.

Since 1987, the Passolides Centre conducts the Global Information Survey, a collection of diverse data from countries around the world to be used by the University of Byzantium and the Government of Selene, as agreed upon by Chancellor Tsaldaris and Prince Marcus VII in the MoU signed that same year. Originally the Survey was filled by doctoral students at the Passolides Centre. Currently a form is sent to the foreign ministry of each participating country, and doctoral students verify the information provided and complete what data remains missing.

Since its first inception, the Survey has been a reliable source of information for students and governments alike, informing academic research and policy decisions throughout the world. Known for its accuracy and responsible use of information, the Passolides Centre continues this proud tradition with the 2017 Global Information Survey, collecting national data from the past year for its compilation, evaluation and publication.

Alexandros Papandreou

Overview and Guidelines

All roleplayers are required to post a submission to the Global Information Survey within one week of their addition to the Map of Artemia. Please copy the following code and answer each question as truthfully and as accurately as possible, as it applies to your country; then proceed to post it as a separate thread in the Passolides Centre Submissions Office.


[b]A. OVERVIEW[/b]

1. Official Name:
2. Short Name:
3. Date of Foundation:
4. Surface Area (km[sup]2[/sup]):
5. Internet Top Level Domain:
6. Capital City:
7. Largest City:
8. Demonym:


1. Head of State:
2. Head of Government:
3. System of Government:
4. Power Structure (Unitary or Federal):
5. Name of Legislature (N/A if not applicable):
6. Name of Highest Court (N/A if not applicable):
7. Voting (Compulsory or Voluntary):
8. Minimum Voting Age:


1. Population:
2. Life Expectancy:
3. Literacy Rate:
4. Direction of Traffic:
5. Capital Punishment:
6. Abortion:
7. Religions:
8. Marriage Equality:
9. Healthcare System:
10. Languages Spoken:
11. Most Populated Cities (3):

[b]D. ECONOMY[/b]

1. Gross Domestic Product:
2. GDP per capita:
3. Currency:
4. Inflation:
5. Unemployment:
6. Poverty:
7. Industries (5):

[b]E. MILITARY[/b]

1. Military Expenditure (% of GDP):
2. Conscription:
3. Active Personnel:
4. Reserve Personnel:
5. Military Branches:


1. Development Level (Developed/Developing/Underdeveloped):

Guidelines for the Survey
  • You must answer all sections as truthfully as possible.
  • Where appropriate, you may provide expanded information or cite relevant laws.
  • Information must be accurate as of December 2017.
  • You may not use the statistics provided by NationStates, since they are not realistic.
  • Figures must be in Selenid Solidi, which are exchanged at the rate of S/ 1 = US$ 1.
  • GDP must be the result of Population x GDP per capita. GDP may not exceed S/ 1 trillion under normal circumstances.
  • Surface Areas can be consulted here.
  • Head of State and Government must include the title and name of the current office holder.
  • Your Internet TLD must consist of 2 letters.
  • Military Expenditure cannot exceed 2% of the GDP during peacetime.
  • Active Personnel cannot exceed 1% of the population during peacetime. Reserve Personnel cannot exceed 5% of the population during peacetime.
  • Your Development Level reflects how advanced your country is, and allows your Companion to determine if your figures make sense. It must be either Developed, Developing or Underdeveloped.
If you don't feel capable or qualified or filling out any section of the Survey, particularly the economic section, you may leave it empty, and add a note indicating that you will follow the advice of your Companion on a final figure.

After you post your submission, you will be assigned a Companion, either a Founder or a Roleplay Councillor, who will be in charge of reviewing your submission and working with you to ensure there is a balance between realism and the concept you have for your country. It is your responsibility to work with your Companion in good faith to ensure your statistics and information are reasonable.

Your Companion will also be your main point of contact within Selene, and is the first person you should ask if you have any questions or if you have doubts about how to get involved in the region. They will always be there to help, or you refer you to the person who will be able to help you.

Once your Companion is comfortable with your submission, they will approve it for publication.

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  Resolution on New Senate Speaker
Posted by: - 05-27-2018, 03:40 PM - No Replies

Resolution on New Senate Speaker
Resolution on the Appointment of the Speaker of the Senate

Whereas the Senate of the Empire of Selene is organised in a makeshift fashion not arising from the institutions of a constitution.

Whereby the Senate requires some measure of order to be able to fully and actively serve the Empire and it's interests,

Cognizant of the current place of the Emperor as the Acting Speaker of the Senate in all bills brought before the Senate in times past,

Trusting that the election of a new Speaker of the Senate will allow the Emperor additional time to administrate,

  • Appoints Volgorod as the Speaker of the Senate.

  • Encourages the Emperor to anoint Volgorod to a Dukedom for the duration of his term as Speaker of the Senate.

  • Recommends that the Senate pass legislation to formalise the structure of the Senate with all due haste.
Be it hereby enacted by the Senate of the Empire of Selene.

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  Selenid Defence Act
Posted by: - 05-27-2018, 03:39 PM - No Replies

Selenid Defence Act
An Act to Establish Standards for the Royal Marines of the Empire of Selene

Chapter I

1. The Royal Marines of the Empire of Selene is the unaligned military of the Empire of Selene, hereby referred to as the Royal Marines.

2. The Royal Marines shall be primarily tasked with undertaking defensive missions for the purposes of protecting foreign regions from invasion, and will be secondarily tasked with undertaking offensive missions against the enemies of the Empire of Selene as determined by the Privy Council

3. The Defence Councillor shall have the power to appoint, with approval from the Senate, an Admiral of the Royal Marines to assist them.

4. The Defence Councillor and the Admiral of the Royal Marines shall be collectively referred to as the Defence Council.

Chapter II

1. Selenid citizens, in good standing with the Privy Council and the Emperor, shall be able to apply for the Royal Marines according to protocol laid out by the Defence Councillor.

2. Marines shall be afforded the privilege of using their rank in official documentation, but shall not be afforded additional rights beyond that of Selenid citizen.

3. The Admiral of the Royal Marines shall be a Selenid citizen with a prior term of service of at least 90 days in the Royal Marines before being appointed.

4. The Defence Councillor shall be a Selenid citizen appointed by the Emperor on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

Chapter III

1. The Defence Councillor shall lead the Royal Marines and shall be the final authority on all internal matters pertaining to the Royal Marines.

2. They shall set all policies, protocols, disciplinary systems, and ranking systems that pertain to the Royal Marines with the advice of the Admiral of the Royal Marines.

3. The Admiral of the Royal Marines shall lead the Royal Marines in all matters of military operations and shall promote, discipline, and train all Marines unless superseded by the Defence Councillor.

4. All powers given to the Defence Council in this Act may be delegated to other individuals by the members of the Defence Council as they see fit.

Chapter IV

1. Any Royal Marine may be given an honourable discharge from the Royal Marines through an appeal to the Admiral, who may choose to refer the matter to the Defence Councillor.

2. Any Royal Marine may be given a dishonourable discharge should the Defence Council unanimously agree upon the service member’s discharge.

3. Any Royal Marine given a dishonourable discharge may appeal the decision to the Senate.

4. Any Royal Marine not given a dishonourable discharge may use their rank at the time of their latest discharge in all official documentation so long as the preface of ‘Former’ and it’s variations are used properly.

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  Weapons of Mass Destruction Limitations Act
Posted by: - 05-27-2018, 03:38 PM - No Replies

Weapons of Mass Destruction Limitations Act
An Act to Limit the Development, Proliferation and Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction

Chapter I

1. Manipulation of weapons of mass destruction shall generally be deemed outside the scope of a modern tech world for the purposes of Chapter III of Corpus Juris.

2. Consent of the Founder may be secured for such manipulation, provided that sufficient explanation is provided and accepted. In such cases, it shall be the prerogative of the Founder to determine the limits and circumstances for the way in which such manipulation will take place.

3. Consent may be withdrawn by the Founder, and any actions carried out while under it may be disavowed, should they conflict with the terms prescribed under the original agreement of consent, or as penalty for any violation of the terms of Chapter II of Corpus Juris.

4. Roleplay Councillors may grant and withdraw consent on behalf of the Founder when duly authorised by him. In such cases, the Founder may intervene to hear appeals, whose decisions will be final.

Chapter II

1. Requests for the granting of consent for the manipulation of weapons of mass destruction must be presented in Kalominos Palace, where the applicant must provide specific and compelling reasons for the need of any or all such weapons, and accounting for how their manipulation would affect the world.

2. Players may provide alternative points of view to any consent request, arguing for or against such consent. Players may similarly argue whenever consent is withdrawn.

Chapter III

1. Manipulation shall be defined as the research, development, proliferation, sharing or use of weapons of mass destruction.

2. A weapon of mass destruction shall be any nuclear, biological, radiological, chemical or other weapon that is capable of causing large scale damage.

3. In compliance with Chapter IV of Corpus Juris, the Founder and the Roleplay Councillors, when directed by him, shall be the final arbiters of the definitions here presented, and over the reasonable interpretation of this Act.

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  Corpus Juris
Posted by: - 05-27-2018, 03:35 PM - Replies (1)

[Image: WF4nfDK.png]


  1. Content in the regional website shall conform to common standards of decency and mutual respect in order to create a welcoming and enjoyable environment for all members.
  2. Content may not insult individual members or incite others to respond with insults. Content may not be inherently offensive or hateful or imply an endorsement of offensive or hateful views.
  3. Content may not feature personally identifiable information without express consent of the individual affected. Such information includes but is not limited to names, addresses and contact information.
  4. Content must be substantial and conform to section and thread rules. Content may not be garish or irrelevant. Irrelevancy includes but is not limited to multiple posts with similar content, posts that may be reasonably construed as gravedigging and posts generally seen as spam.
  5. Content may not include commercial or regional advertising, provided that the promotion of activities by foreign partners may be allowed by the Privy Council.
  1. A Privy Council shall exist to manage the affairs of the region and ensure the continued development of the regional community.
  2. Justinian Kalominos shall lead the Privy Council as Founder and appoint its members, who shall serve at his pleasure or according to the directives that he shall issue.
  3. In all matters within its jurisdiction, the Privy Council shall be accountable to the Founder and the People and conduct itself accordingly.
  1. Players may not make themselves invincible to attack or portray themselves in such a manner that any attack on them would generally be useless. Such invincibility includes but is not limited to the adoption of unusual national statistics or blocking attacks through unrealistic means.
  2. Players may not use information gained through out-of-character means to obtain an in-character advantage.
  3. Players may not act upon other players without their consent. Such acts include but are not limited to invasions, aerial or maritime attacks, entering into treaties, assassinations and infiltrations.
  4. Players affected by the above two clauses may disavow such acts, upon which time the same shall be rendered stricken from the regional canon.
  5. Players may enact time jumps no longer than a week for canon roleplays and longer time jumps for non-canon roleplays, but in neither case shall uninvolved players be obligated to recognise such time jumps.
  6. Players are strongly advised to maintain out-of-character discussions in a thread separate from their in-character interactions.
  1. Roleplays shall be presumed to be part of the regional canon unless otherwise indicated in a visible manner and shall always happen in the context of a modern tech world.
  2. Content shall not be modern tech if it features anything not existing in the real world, including but not limited to fantastical creatures, manner interplanetary travel, teleportation and otherwise unrealistic technology.
  3. Content that features the above in the context of science fiction and folklore while precluding their actual existence within the regional canon is allowed.
  4. Technology that could feasibly exist within the following ten years may be allowed with the approval of the Roleplay Councillor or the Founder.
  5. Countries may not have unusual or unrealistic statistics or information or perform actions of a similar character.
  1. Roleplay in the context of the regional canon shall be conducted based on the Map of Artemia designed by Justinian Kalominos and all other maps designed or authorised by him.
  2. Players must be present in the region and in the map in order to participate in canon roleplaying, provided that no individual user may possess more plots than the maximum permitted and that a security check will be performed to verify the above.
  3. Players may enhance their own country maps and make useful edits to the Map of Artemia provided they credit Justinian Kalominos and secure his permission for the aforementioned edits.
  4. Players may not split or otherwise divide their countries without the authorisation of the Roleplay Councillor or the Founder.
  1. In all cases of controversy or doubt with regards to what is allowed in any roleplay, the Founder shall act as the final arbiter and players shall be entitled to submit such questions to his consideration.
  2. In cases where the original poster of a roleplay has set certain rules, said poster shall act as the initial authority on what is permissible, but no rule may contradict this document or any ruling issued by the Roleplay Councillor or the Founder.
  3. In such cases where the Founder deems appropriate, a Roleplay Councillor shall be appointed to hear questions on his behalf, and when acting in an official capacity their rulings shall bear the full authority of the Founder.
  4. In case a party affected by a ruling by the Roleplay Councillor is unsatisfied, said party is entitled to request a review of the ruling to the Founder.
  5. In all cases where a player wishes to submit a question, they retain the right to submit it directly to the Founder, the presence of a Roleplay Councillor notwithstanding, but the Founder may elect to direct it to the former.
  1. These rules may be altered at any time by agreement of the Privy Council, but no change shall be effective unless it has been properly advertised.
  2. In cases of controversy or doubt with regards to these rules, excluding those already addressed in previous chapters, the Founder shall act as final arbiter, but may choose to delegate the responsibility to the Privy Council.

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  The Meridian Archives
Posted by: - 05-27-2018, 02:58 PM - Replies (15)


[Image: x4eVXk9.png]

April 2018 Presidential Elections: Emmanéul Marshélie faces off against Angélica Griliús

[Image: n0mJ0pg.jpg] [Image: S5a3hVK.jpg]
Republican incumbent Emmanéul Marshélie faces off against the Democratic challenger Angélica Griliús. Polls say that Democrats will obtain victory.

Meridia - The race for the Presidential Elections gets closer, day by day.

The battered Republicans face off against their opposition, the Democrats, who are widely expected to win this election. But no one is certain on what margin. Shall it be neck and neck, or a prestigious victory? 

As the two parties campaign, this shall be determined. 

Why are the Democrats in the lead?

Meridia has been hit by a corruption scandal involving various officials and/or families of said authorities, and as D’Maié’s government hesitates to open up an investigation and instead denies everything, his popularity worsens by the hour. Already some high-ranking Republicans have declared their support for Angélica, in a clear-cut show of dissent in protest. These include even D’Maié’s own daughter, Diamantínia, who was one of the main leakers to the press.

And the Republicans’ coalition allies are no better. The Libertarians are to decide soon if they are to stay in the right-wing coalition, and the Nationalists have issued an ultimatum for the scandal to be investigated. 

Are the Coalition allies important?

It cannot be stressed enough how important they are.

Despite the Nationalists only having 2% of the Delegates of the Nation, they are a critical partner, as, without them, the coalition’s majority would be reduced to 50%, losing its mandate to govern the country. If the Libertarians leave, it would be worse, as they control 10.5% of that chamber’s members.

Corruption happens, but are there other reasons why D’Maié is so unpopular that the Republicans are sure to lose?

What has also diminished support for the Republicans has been its foreign stance, as D’Maié’s government has sided with the AU. This is not controversial, but one thing is: unconfirmed rumours suggest that D’Maié is willing to go to war against Akarus if the AU does, indeed, declare it. This would include a 25% increase in military spending, something unpopular with the pacifist Meridian population, and something that angers their main allies, the Libertarians. These are mere rumours, however, and not confirmed by the government or any reliable evidence, other than leaks from what is presumed to be aides.

D’Maié is facing heat after his cuts to education and healthcare as well, and a sluggish economy that, while not in recession and in fair shape, is also not growing much and just “stuck”, with GDP expanding only 0.5% last year. Some fear that this might become a prelude to an actual recession.

And another, yet minor and redundant reason D’Maié’s support is waning is his past remarks towards Parthenians in the 1990s, calling them “foreigners”, “parasites”, “thieves” and “not true Meridians”. D’Maié tearfully apologized for these comments in 2007, even offering to work without pay for a day to both the Atenios and Anatolia regions (in his native Canarto, there is a tradition that you may offer your apologies by working without pay), but the thought still lingers, especially in the regions of Atenios, Anatolia, and, to a lesser degree, Asturia. In Atenios, especially, he is reviled, as shown by the assassination attempt when he officially visited the region in 2016 as Prime Minister. Whilst many, even in Atenios, were horrified by the attack, it showed that Atenios is the region that most hates him.

Wait, why are you focusing on D’Maié and not Marshélie?

Meridia is a parliamentary republic, or so to say. The President is a mere figurehead, and thus has little to no power. Why are they important nowadays? Mostly due to their elections being a general poll of the country.

The Presidential Elections happen in April 18th, and the General Elections occur in October of the same date and year. No matter how nice or clean you are, you, as the President, will be thrown out by the electorate if they hate their current government.

It is also a chance to earn tremendous prestige before October. For example, if the Democrats win by a landslide, that gives them immense legitimacy, and it humiliates their rivals, the Republicans. On the other hand, if the results are very close, the Republicans might go on a counteroffensive, probably kicking D’Maié out and vigorously campaign to convince the nation and stay in power.

All will be determined on the 18th.

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  Map of Artemia
Posted by: - 05-27-2018, 02:06 PM - Replies (33)

[Image: WF4nfDK.png]

Map of Artemia
Information and Claims

1. What is this?

You are in the thread dedicated to the Map of Artemia. While our region is called Selene, we call the planet Artemia, and Selene instead is a country in the planet. It can get slightly confusing at first, but you'll get the hang of it. We do all our official roleplaying (also known as canon) based on this map, so if you want to participate in our world, you need to claim one of the available plots on the map.

2. How do I claim a plot?

Please follow the following process to claim a plot on the map:
  1. Create a forum account through the Registration page.
  2. Copy the application form below into a Reply to this thread.
  3. Fill out the form as truthfully as possible and post it.

[b]1. Nation Name:[/b] [nation]XXXX[/nation]
[b]2. Foreign Involvements and Aliases:[/b] XXXX

[b]3. Country Name:[/b] XXXX
[b]4. Plot Number:[/b] XXXX
[b]5. Capital City:[/b] XXXX
[b]6. Additional Cities:[/b] XXXX

[b]7. Country Equivalent:[/b] XXXX

3. How do I fill out the application form?

Glad you asked! Here are some useful tips on how to fill out the application form:
  • Where you see XXXX, replace it with the information that is being asked.

  • In Nation Name, indicate the name of your nation in Selene.
  • In Foreign Involvements and Aliases, indicate in which other regions you are involved (if any) and any other names by which you are known there.

  • In Country Name, indicate the name of your country in the map, which may be different to your nation in Selene.
  • In Additional Cities, you can indicate up to five cities, aside from your capital, that will appear on the map.
  • Make sure to indicate both the name and approximate location of each city. Please don't ask me to pick a location for your cities. If you do, I just won't include them on the map.

  • In Country Equivalent, you have to indicate the real country whose culture and/or ethnicity most similar to your roleplayed country. If you have a country called Testlandia, and it's most similar to France, you should indicate that. Please keep in mind that choosing the United States will not make your country a superpower.
4. Do I need to follow any rules?

We do have a few rules that you need to follow. Our main rule is the golden rule: don't be a dick. Aside from that, we have some rules that are specific to the map applications process:
  • We have a Climate Classifications Map. Use it to check if the plot you want has the correct climate for the kind of country you have in mind.  Refer to this article (or this simpler version) for information on how to read the map.
  • We also have an Culture Map that details where each major ethnic and linguistic group is located. Make sure that your country and its city names fit with its ethno-linguistic region.
  • You may only claim one plot. * Attempting to claim additional plots by creating additional accounts or using proxys/VPNs will be severely penalised with the removal of your plot and potential ban from the region. **
  • You will be removed from the map if you cease to have a nation in Selene, or if you fail to participate in roleplay at least twice each month. You can request a leave of absence by posting in this thread, but it cannot be for a period longer than one month.

    * You will see that a few members do control a second country on the map. While claiming a second plot is possible, that is only done for experienced roleplayers who have already proven to be active and responsible with their initial claims.
    ** Since we cannot tell for sure who's the one behind the computer, excuses such as "this other account belongs to my sibling/friend" cannot be trusted, and will be treated as if the person were trying to circumvent the limit.

5. Could I be removed from the map?

We conduct activity checks at the start of every month. You will be removed from the map if any of the following happens:
  • You cease to have a nation in Selene.
  • You have not participated in roleplay at least twice in the past month.
  • You have engaged in repeated and unrepentant rules violations.
You may be exempt from the second requirement if you request a leave of absence in this same thread. A leave may not be longer than one month, and cannot be requested multiple consecutive times. You will also be removed from the map  if the Privy Council determines that you are not using your leave of absence rights in good faith or if you repeatedly post the bare minimum only right before the activity check. You have the right to contest a removal from the map. A removal due to inactivity does not involve an expulsion from the region, nor does it forbid you from reapplying.

If you are removed for a second time, you will not be allowed to reapply for the map. This does not prevent you from participating in other aspects of the region.

6. What should I do while my application is processed?

Unless you are a banned user or are found to already have a plot with another account,  your application will be accepted and processed over the weekend. That means you will have to start participating! Here are some tips on what you could start doing:
  • Fill out the Global Information Survey:
    Every roleplayer is required to fill out the Global Information Survey (GIS) within one week of applying for the map. Its purpose is to help you figure out the basics of your country, while having the assistance of someone experienced. As soon as you post your submission you will be assigned a Companion, an experienced roleplayer who will be tasked with checking your submission and helping you adjust it. It's alright if you're not an expert in determining most of these statistics, since the Companion is assigned precisely so you can get help with someone more experienced.

    In addition, your Companion is your main contact point within the region, and will always be happy to help you get a feel of how to get involved, who to approach for ideas, and overall how to get settled in the region. If you ever have questions about what you can do or how you can do it, for example about how to start roleplaying, or if you have comments about how Selene is doing, your Companion is the first person with whom you can talk.

    Please keep in mind that failure to fill out the Survey will lead to the rejection of your map application.

  • Post in Flash News:
    A good way to introduce your country to the world is to post in Flash News, a thread that allows you to post one-line news items about your country. If you are brave enough, head over to The City Criers and start your own newspaper thread, where you can post news articles from your country!

  • Contact your Neighbours:
    Unless you pick a particularly isolated plot, you are bound to have neighbours. You can reach out to them on the Regional Chat to talk about signing treaties, forming alliances, working out your joint history or just roleplaying some interesting event that might be happening. You could be allies, you could be rivals, you could be something in between. There is always something to do, if you are creative enough.
7. Anything else?

There is much to do besides roleplaying. You could join the Royal Marines and help defend the regions of NationStates from raids and other attacks. You could join the Regional Government and help govern the region, maybe even run for office in our next scheduled election! You could be an active member in our Regional Message Board, keeping the region visibly active for all our newer members. There are countless possibilities. Or, if you have questions, you could always head over to the Chat and ask anyone there. We are always happy to help in any way we can, or at least point you in the direction of someone who can help.

Welcome to Selene!

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  Eridani Theta
Posted by: - 01-13-2018, 12:24 PM - No Replies

Hello, I am representing The United Dictatorship of Eridani Theta as her glorious comrade. My nation is an autocracy running through a feudalistic design. Some notable things.. we require 4 years of military service out of every citizen, cannabis is legal, and we hold the legal right to crusade the unholy.
An honor to meet you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  Greetings from Emonith
Posted by: - 10-01-2017, 10:32 PM - Replies (1)

Hello, I am the King of Emonith, Gregory, we as a Kingdom are pleased to be in a region filled with wonderful people. I speak for my people when I say, we look forward to working with you to protect each other.

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  One Night in Castietya
Posted by: - 10-01-2017, 06:58 PM - No Replies

Floor 63 of the Libera Ŝtato Building
The Imperial Republic of Centra

Smoke filled the dimly lit room. There was no real reason for such an occurrence; ventilation shafts were some of the best on the Septiman Isles, the windows had the possibility of being opened, and the meeting about to take place was officially sanctioned and sponsored by the Imperial President herself, meaning there was no secrecy surrounding the attendees. Nonetheless, the only smoker in the room was also the most powerful, and his word outweighed the desires of the diplomats who were slowly trickling in.

One of the diplomats, an old one from the Diktatoreco of Venka by the name of Rava Siegel, was not going to be intimidated by the smoker regardless. Venka was a rapidly industrialising Septiman nation, with the best airforce and rockets of all of the seven nations, and no diplomat or government worker worth their weight in dirt would dare question that. With the knowledge that a war, while seemingly inevitable given the high tensions, would very likely be won in the air by her side, Siegel stood up out of her chair and smashed her hand onto the table. "In the name of that most aqueous Sakve, will you please clear the smoke out of this room?? We are not the savages of the Sartorians or the Selenids!"

A single puff of smoke emerged from the cigar before being blown out by the smoker. He stood, and from underneath the brim of the wide-brim hat the eyes of an angered and evil man emerged and locked onto Siegel. The intensity of their duel of stares was enough to set fire to paper, but barely a soul in the room thought to break the trance until the clock embedded in the table chimed 4 times. The smoker relented and broke off first, calling over one of the room's attendants to clear the smoke and seal the doors to allow the meeting to begin in earnest.

"I would like to begin this annual meeting of the Sep Nacioj by announcing a change in policy of the Imperial Republic of Centra." He stood up for his part, expecting little resistance to the change in official procedure, but as always there was the representative from Suba Johan, the weakest nation. Nonetheless, there was a certain decorum to maintain, and the pause of the speaker allowed said representative to speak up. He stood up in opposition, commanding the attention of all representatives at an impressive 2 meters tall, not including the boots.

"First Minister Strauss, on behalf of the Septiman Republic of Suba Johan, I must object to such a violation of the accepted procedure for the annual gathering of Sep Nacioj delegates. The Septiman Republic has never tolerated violations, and should the Imperial Republic find a need to begin this year's meeting on such a terrible start, then we shall not find a need to continue our attendance here in Castietya." The representative was a hardass about protocol, to be sure, but there was very little that he could do otherwise at meeting. Suba Johan's main economic power stems from its close proximity to Castietya, across the strait, although the President was desperately trying to fix the slump it found itself in, should a war break out again.

Strauss rolled his right hand's fingers across his rather large belly as the representative spoke. He entertained the latter during these meetings just to prevent a diplomatic incident from erupting, as that would break his attention off the incredibly insurmountable task of full mobilisation and militarisation he had so carefully guided in the last few years. The representative finished speaking, and so the First Minister responded. "Delegate Henn, I apologise for the disdain I have caused towards the Septiman Republic." Sarcasm filled the air. "There is nothing preventing you from departing this meeting and not returning, however, as opposed to years past, I will not bother to even hear the opinion of the Septiman Republic. Centra is a powerful nation, and it has deemed Suba Johan to be an existential threat to the contiuation of its government. As such, we are hereby laying claim to the entirety of the Septiman Republic, and I have sent an ultimatum to Suba Valo today demanding the full annexation of your land, Delegate."

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