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A forest fire has burned approximately 2 square kilometers of forest after a fortified rebel position was bombed today. The fire is yet to be fully extinguished.


Archon Jessero today annouced the dissolution of the Prescien and thus her government to call for a referendum on reforming the government along with fresh elections for a new mandate. Campaigning is set to begin tomorrow and the official date of the election is set for the 4th of August.


In a 6-4 vote, the Supreme Court has decided in favor of marriage equality. LGBT rights activists are celebrating, but conservative politicians and media are denouncing the decision.


In his last act as Secretary of State, Adair Ptoleris has commended the Montbellian Supreme Court and hailed its decision as a major step forward to a more equal society. Elsewhere in the nation 5 cops were killed in the city of Tisiphone. Funerals to be held Sunday.


Second Councillor Scola has celebrated the legalisation of equal marriage in Montbellia, calling it “a victory for equality and a step towards a better society”.


President Felix Bengal praised yesterday's decision as "a step in the right direction toward a more modern and welcoming society." Meanwhile, Ernest Mitko, a conservative delegate from Montabella, called the decision "a national embarrassment" and said that Adair Ptoleris "should butt out of our affairs and focus on his job," among other things. Liberals have praised Ptoleris and are calling Mitko's comments unfounded.


Emperor Alexander has announced the interim government of technocrats until next month's elections. He is also enroute to Sartoria to meet with their new Princess.


Factional infighting in Meridia's Conservative ruling coalition has prevented the government from giving a formal response to the legalization of gay marriage in Montbellia and the situation developing in Septima, inside sources say.


Retired Prince Patrizio Giordano is adapting well to the altitude and is now trekking at 4200m, according to his spokesperson.

As the celebrations over the Supreme Court's decision on marriage equality began to wind down earlier today, an engaged homosexual couple was hit with a car in Prince of Peace. One man is injured but will live, while the other man's future is uncertain. The incident is currently being investigated as a hate crime.

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