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Flash News


Union workers have paralyzed the capital on a general strike, as the government plans to introduce labour reforms that would weaken Meridia's strong unions.


Secretary of State Ptoleris and Emperor Alexander were both greeted at Ruhr International Airport by Chancellor Wolf who shook their hands in front of the cameras.


The producers of the popular Montbellian sitcom "Our Small City" announce that the upcoming ninth season will be the last, causing outrage among the show's many fans.


Grand President Ludoviko Braune has resigned his office in a televised speech. Grand Prime Minister Henn will succeed him, but it is unknown as to who will become the next Grand PM.


Grand President Henn has announced the creation of a de facto title, the Grand Chancellor, to consist of both the Grand President and Grand Prime Minister.


Conservative Party Leader Olivia Issos has decried the consolidation of power in the Seven Republics by Henn as a potential threat to democracy. The Parthenopian government has however taken no public stance.


Princess Giulia has confirmed her attendance to the launch of Expedition 55, confirmed to be the final crewed mission to Space Station Artemia.


The Police Commissioners of Tisiphone, Nessarion and Parthenion are set to be sworn in at Plateia Dikastrio by Archon Jessero and Chief Justice Anessa.


The Supreme Court is set to make a decision on marriage equality tomorrow. Experts say that the decision will not end the debate over the issue, and it could set up a battle between the Supreme Court and the lower courts.


A faction of the Conservatives has introduced a bill to make pornography and prostitution punishable by death. Debate and voting shall follow.

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