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Flash News

A Canartese man went on a stabbing rampage in the Parthenian-majority region of Atenios, killing 4 people and injuring 9 at a train station, including two officers. The suspect has been killed by local police after refusing to surrender.

Parthenopias has offered condolences to the Meridian families touched by the tragedy in Atenios. The government has clarified however that no Parthenopian national was killed or injured in the attack.

Whilst ethnic Parthenian families have accepted the Parthenian government's best wishes, one ethnic Meridian family has rebuked the offer, blaming Parthenopias and other countries for the turmoil.

A Canartese cook woman has stabbed 13 persons at a restaurant in the Sartorian-majority Trentosta Valley. After stabbing them, it is reported that she fled the scene, brandishing a sharp kitchen knife and stabbing another person on the street before being shot by arriving police.

Several towns and cities in Canarto have held marches celebrating the "martyrs" of Atenios and, recently, the Trentosta Valley.

The Parthenopian Second Fleet led by the carrier de Médine has been rerouted to the waters off of the coast of Syndar in a blatant show of force heightening tensions in the ongoing dispute.

2,500 Florenzites are protesting, imploring the government to "not send the country into chaos".


The Foreign Ministry has formally offered to mediate between the Canartese Regional Government, the Kareguist Priesthood and the Meridian Federal Government in the hopes of finding a compromise to the ongoing situation.

The Meridian government has accepted Wakoku's offer.


The government of Chancellor Lehardt has officially sent an ultimatum to the Government of Nolvik with a list of points. If they fail to accept or to respond within seventy-two hours then it would mean a resumption of the war.

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