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Ardinat has lambasted the NCAF for attempting to "bribe the Ardinatan government. We shall pursue all cases to the extent of Ardinatan law, and we are beyond outraged at this open display of attempted corruption".

In a shocking event that has stunned the country, an Avengnon noblewoman has fled to the Sartorian embassy in Roitálę. Apparently, her vehicle was under fire from the capital's military police.

The Sartorian embassy has been placed under 24-hour surveillance by military police. Personnel shall be allowed to enter and leave as usual, but if the noble leaves the embassy, she shall be arrested.

Parthenopias - Congressional Leaders announced a bill that had been brought forward by some junior members that would amount to a Declaration of War against Ara'den's government under President Al-Reza. Archon Jessero has yet to comment on the bill and while the leaders said it did not have the support but warned that could change.

Ara'den - President Al-Reza has announced more arrests of top military officials as what is becoming known as a purge is taking place. Already several top brass have begun to flee the nation with one having been reportedly seen in Matorre.

IA - Member states continue to watch as the situation in Ara'den seems to deteriorate. Axis forces are being recalled from the nation and the join military bases are having sensitive equipment removed.

Adler - Chancellor Lehardt has stated that the nation will begin a period of demobilization with the war coming to a close. Victory has been declared by the Republic.

Wakoku - Counting for the elections is underway. The ruling party is expected to retain a slim majority in the legislature.

Political talk show host Fabrizio Conti has recently said "what good is the World Society if it doesn't try to find solutions?", in reference to the emerging purge in Ara'den.

The Sizhouan government, while hesitant to make any official statement on the arrests occurring in Ara'den, has reportedly received roughly a half dozen Deneshi military defectors.

The Son of the late Caliph has said in a speech that “If you kill them, then the blood shall be on your hands. All that this nation asks is that our brothers and sisters in faith be brought to us. The government wants nothing but a dealing of money to bring ease.”

Senator Mario Salucci has called on the Government to grant asylum to Lady Sophíę of Caléur, who is currently at the Sartorian Embassy in Roitale.

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Ardinat has declared Senator Mario Salucci persona non grata.

Civilians living in rebel territory to the southwest of Xiashan and Southeast of Sishi responded to the Sizhouan government, expressing willingness on the part of their leadership to hold talks.
ShowTerritory map of Northwest Sizhou
Red - Held by Sizhou
Orange - Contested
Yellow - Rebel held
[Image: 15ezgh3.png]

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