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The homosexual man who was yesterday in critical condition, name Quint Rex, died earlier today, sparking protests in Prince of Peace and condemnation from liberals, as well as some conservatives (others remained quiet). The initial euphoria over the Supreme Court's decision is beginning to fade, as many are realizing that equality in the law does not mean equality in practice.

Chancellor Alexia Sartosio, on behalf of the government of the United Empire of Hyperia, welcomes Montbellia's legalization of gay marriage. The government, and the nation, views this as a victory for human rights.

The Meridian Foreign Ministry has declined to comment on the legalization of gay marriage in Montbellia. Political experts say that the political struggle between the more socially conservative and the socially liberal factions is heating up. Even though the moralists are the minority, they are threatening to leave the ruling coalition if the government gives a pro-LGBT statement.

The first of three debates in the snap election are to be held tomorrow night at 20:00 PST. Jaina Jessero will square off with her two main competitors, Sylvia Corvinus of the Conservatives and Antoni Peviani of the Unionists.

The bill to make pornography and prostitution punishable by death has been defeated in the Delegates of the Nation, and support for the measure in the Senate is extremely low

Princess Giulia hosted Emperor Alexander of Parthenopias this morning at the Palazzo Rosso, her first state visit since her inauguration.

Desap Trios has been charged with the homicide of Quint Rex, to which he has pleaded innocent. When Ernest Mitko was asked about the news, he replied "It's a tragedy that bad things are only treated as such when done by those with morals that do not align with those of the liberal media networks," leading to even more outrage over the delegate's extreme statements.

Grand Chancellor Henn has been received by Chancellor Wolf in the Hügel Haus Platz.

The once famous Montbellian restaurant chain "Sandwiches and More Sandwiches" has closed several locations in Montbellia City as fast food chains have gained popularity.

Parthenopian Emperor Alexander VII has returned to Parthenopias after his successful state visits to Wakoku, Adler and Sartoria.

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