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Accounts of Almusāfir(Enhannsh: Almusafre) [800ad]


As the group moved pass another bathhouse, they appeared before the inner canals.

"Pass here, we enter the Central Ward, home to the Prince and various upper class nobles." Eméron turned continued across. Through the gate he pointed to the group's left. "There is the Shâteau du Prinse. A beast of a Castle wouldn't you say?."

With the breathtaking castle overshadowing the area, the rest of the fancy noble houses lost some of their glamo, yet they still looked formal and aristocratic as the group made it's way to a domed temple set on island on the other side of ward.


Ali, Yacob, and Almusāfir engage in a fast moving conversation. Almusāfir points at the dome in awe and the Shâteau du Prinse. The translater speaks and says “Ali says that the Castle is of the most glorious architecture. Never had he seen such a lavish place. Yacob says the domed temple reminds him of the large golden dome of the Sun Mosque back to home. Which is possibly a third times bigger than this. The dome glows fiercely in the summer months. Almusāfir never quite thought that any civilization had mastered the art of making large domes.”


" Ahh, that dome is L'église de Prométhé et Sélène. Though it's the center of the priest hood here in Bataris, it's not the largest église here. That belongs to La grand Église." Replied Eméron to the group. " We shall be making our way over there later, for now we head to the main église." 

After having said that, he contimued the tour through the central ward until they reached a bridge crossing over to the Ile de L'église.

"At the church we shall have refreshments and some entertainment while the priest and priestess prepare for Le Midshanson."


They finally make it to the Chruch and they climb down from the steeds. They all pet the horses lightly before disembarking. Almusāfir explains to the translater that their religion expects that they respect all living things. They walk up to its door and await to enter.

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