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Flash News

As panick and threats of war erupt, much like many other nations, the government has ordered the Khalifī citizens to return home. Along with this, the budget for the army as also increased.

Parthenopias - The Second Fleet has crossed the three quarter mark on its route to Ara'den. Parthenopias has called for Al-Reza to resign and for reparations to be paid for the destruction of the destroyers.

Ara'den - President Al-Reza has expelled all foreigners who are from nations in the AU. They have been given seventy two hours to leave. The nation also refused Parthenopias' calls further escalating tensions. Rumors have it that President Al-Reza was behind the bombing attacks that swept her to power.

IA - Member states are meeting at the headquarters of the IA to discuss ongoing tensions.

Wakoku - Elections are scheduled to begin in two weeks time as the gap between parties is narrowing.

Matorre - King Juan is meeting with the other heads of IA nations, excluding Ara'den after information about the bombing that killed President Al-Reza's predecessor has come to light.

Istria - Queen Vittoria has vowed that the nation will not be dragged into a conflict that could destabilize the entirety of Artemia.

The Shura has decided in rapid milirzation to protect the souls of the Caliphate from the tides of war. A string of blockades close and far in the caliphates waters has been planned on.

Seven Avengnon nobles have been arrested. Rumours circulate that the Crown Princess is a rising star in Ardinatan politics, and has allied with the Krisianos to defeat their rival, the Avengnons.

Parthenopias - Following an incident in the Sea of Baal two Parthenopian escort vessels have been sunk. The fleet is returning to Parthenopias to reassess the situation. Further details will come.

Ara'den - President Al-Reza has claimed her government was not responsible for the attack on the Parthenopian Fleet. Riots have erupted in the streets of Baalbek and other northern cities after anti-Parthenopian sentiment has boiled over.

IA - The IA has released a statement saying they will continue to monitor the situation in Ara'den and the Sea of Baal.

After a show trial that lasted three hours, an Avengnon noble has been sentenced to death. Analysts are confused and perplexed on why this has happened in the first place, as Ardinat has not executed a noble in 650 years.

The Ardinatan nation is in shock after a Krisiano noble was murdered and dismembered. The government has vowed to find the perpetrators.

The NCAF has expressed disgust at the the murder and the dismemberment of the Noble. In other news the NCAF has begun militarizing in fears of the nations safety.

37 officers in the armed forces, all of them Avengnons, have been fired, with 7 arrested for corruption. Analysts and the Meridian government are rumoured to have been attempting to frantically find any source inside the government that may tell of what the hell is happening.

An Avengnon noble and his family have stormed an airport in the north-east of the country with a personal guard. They are apparently attempting to hijack a commercial jet.

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