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The International - News From Sizhou


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Sizhou - In towns and cities across the Northern mountains, citizens each day live with a threat that
for decades has not been present throughout the rest of the country. It is seemingly a different country to
those of us in the East or South, but the threat of a firefight breaking out between local army garrisons
and rebel forces is a very real occurence in the countryside and jungles in and to the southeast of Sishi.
Likewise, millions of Sizhouan peoples for decades have lived in the precarity of war under the occupation
of rebel forces.

While for some time there has been relative calm in the area, the last two years have seen a renewed esc-
alation of violence between government and rebel forces. Between the rebel seige of Sishi in 2017 and
power station bombings of 2018 to the environmental and local damage caused by Sizhouan airforce
bombings on rebel fortifications, thousands have died with little to show for it on either side. However,
even amid suspicions that rebel forces have resources above and beyond their estimated production
capacity, this war may come to a temporary end in possibly the first peace talks since 2012.

The motivations of the government to make this move is currently publicly unknown, however it several
commentators around the Sizhouan media have suggested the motivations are economic, simple fatigue,
or most notably perhaps a turn to international interests. With surrounding nations amid open civil war
and tensions high between Ara’den and Parthenopias, it is likely we’re seeing a shakeup in terms of foreign
policy. This all comes after a small fleet of Sizhouan navy ships have been tasked with patrolling the North-
ern strait to protect trade interests between Sizhou and Parthenopias.

Additionally, several Deneshi military officials have defected at Sizhouan embassies. While their identities
and motivations are clear, it is likely that they fear their lives are on the line amid an apparent purge
in Ara’den. If the government’s peace-seeking with rebels is related to this turn of events, then it is all the
more apparent that Sizhou is mobilizing in preparation of a possible international conflict, however no such
direct military mobilizations have yet taken place.

What peace would mean for the people of and around Sishi is unclear, as no terms have been announced or
suggested by the Sizhouan government. Additionally, there has been no statement from rebel leaders.
What is certain, is that the region may see a well needed relaxation of a destructive civil war for the region,
and perhaps the reuniting of long-separated families and friends and economic reconstruction.

Finally, there is the factor the Premier Lin Lafang has only been in office for approximately 30 months, since
September 2016. While she did not run for office on a platform of peace with rebel forces nor has she expressed
a specific interest in the issue, it is possible she simply has less interest in ending this war by force than her
[Image: xlxbgp.png]

Messages In This Thread
The International - News From Sizhou - by Qastari - 06-12-2018, 09:46 PM
RE: The International - News From Sizhou - by Qastari - 03-21-2019, 01:01 AM

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