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[OOC]  Antarktikos Conference


OOC thread for the Antarktikos Conference. For anyone confused, Antarktikos is from a slightly corrupted Greek transliteration of "Antarctic" and is the IC name for the continent.

If you are attending, or intend to sign any resulting treaties please post here. (Posting not required to be in attendance.) Please indicate your attending character with the nation, position, and any other relevant information. This event will ICly take place over days or weeks, so national leaders are not recommended as major characters and are allowed to change in the negotiations of necessary.

The current stage of the negotiations is introductions. Nations may introduce their characters and positions outside the conference before we move inside to begin. As owner of the host nation, Parthenopias is invited to set the stage of the event and explain any questions on accommodations or venue.


Damn it. Well, his name is Materilus Ligupus, a diplomat for Fornoire. Sometimes the spokesperson for the Foreign Affairs Ministry.


Foreign Councillor Marienne Agasios - Parthenopias - With intent to sign. Parthenopias currently claims a section of the Antarctic as it's dominion though the past two administrations and the current are willing to surrender the claim to ensure the neutrality of the continent.

(Additionals for Parthenopias: Deputy FC Linus Tusello, Deputy Economy Councillor Hesidorus Galanti)

Secretary of Foreign Relations Pelagon Dieaxos. Reshara has every intent on signing treaties. Currently claims a section of the Antarctic for resource exploration but is willing to surrender it for the betterment of the international agreement. (though there is resistance to this at home).

Letopolis is the largest city in Reshara along with being the most modern. The city did not exist prior to 1850 and was completely planned out. Streets run perfectly parallel to one another and the city's infrastructure consists of quality for the quantity of citizens. The urban center consists of glass skyscrapers and a thriving night district. The "foreign quarter" consists of architecture typically found in Parthenopias which is old on the outside but new on the inside this is where you would find the "colonial" architecture. The majority of the city however is in a very Dubaiesque feel without the clashing with the "old city" as Letopolis doesn't have one.

All guests representing governments will have transportation provided for them, their staff will take charter buses so as to not unnecessarily clog the streets. All of the guests (not from Qastari) will be flying into Leto Sky Harbor (the International Airport). The terminals are brand new having been completed last year after a half decade renovation. Planes however use stairs rather than sky bridges so you will exit directly on the tarmac. (Wheel chair lifts can be provided as necessary). The cars provided will have chauffeurs and will be white electric cars.

The Hotel Atossa will be where all guests will be staying. It is a very art deco building with modern architectural flair. The actual conference itself will be hosted by the Resharan Department of the Environment and the Department of State which together are using the old Parthenopian Governor-General's palace. A rather grand structure near the heart of the Colonial Quarter. The main ballroom is being converted for the conference portion that will have projectors and such for the information parts. The negotiations among the top level negotiators will take place in one of the private rooms in the wing of the palace so as to give them somewhere more quiet to talk.

Security will be provided by the Black Guard (uniforms are all black). Government officials will not be permitted to bring their own security as that would very much end up being too many to manage and could create a security risk in and of itself.

Again any other questions please just ask.


I think the Sartorian Government would have concerns about its officials not being able to have their own security, specifically the leaders of the delegation, given recent events in Sartoria, and as a matter of policy.


I'm also happy to take notes of how the discussions go and draft the agreement, if you guys would like that.


Septima will not be attending.


Ah I should clarify. You are welcome to bring your own security detail to Reshara and they can handle your security in all places except the venue itself as that would quite complicate the security measures already in place. I can also assure you that Reshara's National Security Council will certainly be stepping up security at all points throughout the city, venue and accommodations due to the events in Sartoria.


In that case, I'm more comfortable about attending. I'll send Junior Councillor for Antarctic Affairs, Paolo Garofalo.

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