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Prime Minister's Questions [24.05.17]


Traditionalists and Pirates were already standing and heckling, while Uniteds, Liberals and Environmentalists were responding with shows of support for the Prime Minister. Some banter was usual during PMQ, Anna knew as much, and that was part of the sessions' charms, but that final question, and its response, had obviously struck a cord for both sides. She stood and tried to restore some semblance of order.

"Order!" She sighed internally, when her instruction was mostly ignored. It would be one of those. She signalled for all microphones except hers to be turned off, and continued. "Order! Order!"

Eventually people got the hint, and started sitting down. All things considered, the disorder had only lasted for a few seconds, so it wasn't that bad. But order had to be maintained, and a failure to do so was an invitation for more disorder next time.

"I thank the House for its dedicated participate in this session, an important exercise in its sovereign prerogatives, and the Prime Minister, for his attendance today. I wish him the best in his term, and hope we shall have further chances to hold him to account. There being no further business on the agenda, and should there be no objections, I declare this meeting adjouned."

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RE: Prime Minister's Questions [24.05.17] - by Justinian Kalominos - 05-28-2017, 08:57 PM

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