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Kapelgian Referendum: 54-46 Stay
Magne Meeuwis

After weeks of intense campaigning the results of the Kapelgian Independence Referendum are in. Kapel has voted to remain part of Akarus after wining the "Stay" vote by a narrow margin of 54.12%.

Crowds of "Stay" voters gathered in the streets of Belarion to celebrate their victory in the referendum. Prime Minister Rokus Altink has called Kapelgian Premier Frans Adamsen to congratulate him on the result. Adamsen has been a strong supporter of the "Stay" campaign, calling the victory a "triumph for democracy".

Opposition leader Hallvard Knudsen has accept the result, vowing in a statement that he would continue the fight for Kapelgian sovereignty. Despite this rumours have circulated that Knudsen will resign as party leader in coming days.

With the completion of the Kapel Referendum calls continue for further referendums on the status of the Tremaar and Kareby Archipelago Territories. How the results of this referendum will affect these proposed referendums remains to be seen.


Akarus on the Brink of War?
Magne Meeuwis

Akarus continues to remain on alert today as tensions escalate in the nearby Kumari and Fornoire. Prime Minister Rokus Altink and the coalition government have remained unusually quiet on the matter, with government representatives stating only that they are monitoring the situation and condemn any acts of escalation by either side. There are growing calls among opposition representatives for a strong Akarusian response to the situation.

Akarusian military forces in eastern Kapel have been placed on alert since the start of the crisis, with reports indicating other active naval and army units possibly being mobilized towards the border as a potential Fornoire-Kumari armed conflict looms. Officials have raised concerns about the potential fallout of a war on Akarus' doorstep, particularly the humanitarian and refugee crisis it could potentially cause.

Public support remains divided on the conflict, especially on whether Akarus should involve itself should war break out. Some in the Kapelgian parliament have called to prevent any refugees from the conflict from entering the Region. Coming amidst growing unrest with Tremaar and Kapel members of Parliament have begun to publicly express doubts over the stability of the coalition government should the domestic and foreign crises continue to escalate.

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