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The 4-1-2017 Fornirian Parliament Emergency Session


The mood was tense. Parliament was convoked to an emergency session by the Prime Minister, Venuse Petage, to either declare war on Kumari or not.

Many were angry at the fact that Kumari took sovereign Fornirian territory. Others favoured good relations with the left-leaning aggressor, as they either saw Oskioripoli as unimportant, or a problem Fornoire could not bear to fix.

The debate raged for hours. Ideological differences were largely thrown aside, as MPs from all walks of ideals and life either supported declaring war, or to let Oskioripoli suffer its fate.

However, one fascist MP, Mario Luxaeter, talked with other MPs, and, together, they stood up. One Social Democrat, one Liberal-Green, one Socialist, one Communist, one Conservative, one Centrist, one Libertarian, one Selenist, one Anti-Selenist, one Republican, one Monarchist, one Environmentalist, and even one Sorist all stood up, and chanted:

"Nisitis Fornoire!" (Hail Fornoire in Fornirian)

The chant echoed through the chamber. Suddently, almost 3,000 MPs began shouting "Nisitis Fornoire!". The Speaker tried to call for order, but this was refused. The cry grew larger, and it engulfed almost every MP now. Of all the 4,040 MPs there, only 40 did not chant the slogan, mostly independence activists from the islands Fornoire held east of its mainland.

Venuse Petage walked to the podium, and, without even a single formal vote being held, said:

"We are now at war with The Union! Hail Fornoire!"

"HAIL FORNOIRE!" screamed the MPs.

The shouting continued for another half an hour, and since the Speaker could not return order and knew that the vote would win anyway, he approved the declaration of war, as they would not shut up, no matter how much he screamed and pleaded for silence to carry on the emergency session. In fact, they shouted even louder. The session was adjourned after that.

Fornoire had declared war on Kumari.

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