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Nation Records of the Union



A Breif Timeline Leading to the Establishment of the Union

1986 - Workers rights in Fornoire are at an all time low with finishing of a major industrialization of the west and many labor laws lifted in order to increase production. The Southwestern region of Fornoire was considered laid back and a lot of times lazy due to the lack of industrialization compared to it's eastern counterpart the west with a lot of small towns and minor mining/farming industry with a few big cities. 

Those small towns and ideas of a laid back communities were all replaced during the Western Industrialization it brought factories to the big cities and larger farming operations to small towns. With outside companies taking over the mining industry this lead to a national migration to the west with the eastern population growing they searched for jobs in the west. This was not taken well by the slightly culturally different people of the western half. In order to target this many Labor Unions began to spring up especially in the west where the industrialization was not received well.

These Labor Unions in the west weren't taken well by the local government at first and ordered companies to allow them and brought many rights to the workers. The Governor of the region was located in Edwardtown and even though being close to the capital his law stretched out as far as Kumari city. He took the first steps of closing the labor unions down in order to increase production and replacing the local government in his governing region. The Kumari city labor Unions didn't take this very well by starting strikes and eventually the 1986 occupation of Kumari Industrail district. These events lead to many joining their cause and even started Unions in the east.

1987 - Wolfric Swartvec was one of the leaders of the Labor Movement and was elected mayor of Kumari with a promise to bring rights back to the people Febuary 22, 1987. Though with his criminal background he was able to pardon himself being elected by the people, but his wife Natalia Swartvec was not pardoned and was arrested the same day when the couple were on their way to make a victory speech. This caused the crowd that gathered and the couple to start a riot.

The according to Fornoire history this is the date the Labor Movement began it's revolt they crowd of angry people took the town and sent word to Unions and people in support of the Labor Movement. February 23,1987 Aleksander Welczek another major leader of the movement heard Kumari's revolt and he lead the Labor movement of Catherine and began to quickly overrun the city. The Royalty was evacuated along with many other governing officials and propped up a new capital in Edwardtown a fortress of a city. Region after region fell to the labor movements within them, after Catherine's revolt they were out numbered by their own people. 

Wolfric Swartvec remains in Kumari setting up a new government and coming up with battle strategies to take Edwardtown and the Northeastern region the remaining Fornoire territory on the mainland.

1988 - By now Wolfric had established system of government in order to control all of the Fornoire Kingdom by allowing the already elected leader of the labor movement in each region control their own land and people of the region. They would all vote as a republic on big issues mainly battle strategies and distributing rations between regions. The labor movement leaders separately govern their own people distributing rations and finding shelter for everyone during the revolt. 

The battles of Edwardtown were fierce and bombardment of coastal cities by the Fornoirian navy proved weary for the new republic. The Northeastern regions soon fell and by August 1988 Fornoire was occupied by it's own people. There was resistance with loyalist and those who didn't want communism they normally stayed quiet as there was usually floggings or other forms of punishment and public humiliation for those who spoke against the labor movement. 

1989 - The Labor Movement has officially embedded itself in Fornoire excluding Edwardtown and the islands outside the mainland. Most of the Naval bombardment and attempts to invade was diverted to Catherine at this point Kumari was able to create it's new policies that would affect the people but still remained heavily focused on Edwardtown in order to defend the entirety of the nation. 

Things began to take a turn for the worst as Edwardtown began to push past the people's militia and pushed all the way to Catherine. Usually when the Fornoirian military pushed, militia forces from the west would come from the side but due to the increased number of invasions in Catherine and the east coast all major forces were diverted there. This took a turning as Catherine was now facing forces on both sides.

1990 - Catherine was liberated and the forces in Northeast and East began to retreat west. The Fornoirian military began moving north to recapture northern regions and with ease as labor movement rebels fled west once Catherine was liberated. The Forces eventually stopped and with the fall of many region republics in the east Wolfric assumed control off all regions in order to created stability. He ordered that defenses be built along the region's, that capitals haven't been lost to Fornoire, borders facing east. These defenses were very minor with mines and fencing closer to the southern coast. As Fornoire pushed north they began to go west and south were they met the defenses.

1991 - 2010 The defenses began to become a race with each side adding more mines or adding fences. Wolfric began construction on about a three meter tall concrete wall it started on the northern borders which was less active and began to stretch down. Quick and cheap bunkers were constructed to defend construction process along with artillery which was slowly beginning to be manufactured along with tanks and due to the relatively new factories already built on none coastal cities thanks to Fornoire they were produced at a rate to help defend.

Once the wall was completed with bunkers, watch towers, mines, Artillery, and even dogs for those who made it over the wall passed the mines. The R.C.S.K. was able to create a cease fire with Fornoire with defenses built like this and the military in bad shape on both sides their was no chance of total victory for either side. Wolfric remained in absolute power having said "I knew what was best when I started the revolution I know what is best now."

Wolfric began enforcing his own policies and was unable to mimic the approval results of the previous republic as well as production. So in order to increase production and keep the economy stable while being able to stay in complete power he had to take away the very thing that got him where he was labor rights. The R.C.S.K. became an extremely planned economy as people were given food healthcare housing work cars and small pay for luxuries such as power or alcohol.

His plan for the most part actually did increase economic growth and created many trade partners due to production efficiency. Though he was met with unhappy citizens and an opposition party called the Union whose members began to disrupt many of Wolfric's on goings and they were eventually driven out and destroyed.

2011 - 2016 The Nation was getting used to it's way of life and borders were open for people to leave in 2011 and many stayed as life outside this planned economy would be extremely difficult. Wolfric had changed everything road laws and how business was conducted court systems everything making it impossible to exist in the outside world. Fascism affected the planned economy as everyone was seen as equals no man was paid more or received more than the other. This idea of one man being superior than the other could jeopardize the entire system as these were capitalist thoughts the idea that one man could be greater than the other.

They responded with internment camps which were put in place to find any form of Fascism within the nation traitors to communism. Many were found and imprisoned or deported after the camps have processed every citizen 47 camps were closed and 2 remain for future citizens and children who reach 20 years old legal age for adulthood.

The fight against Fornoire was also beginning to cool down just a little as the Parliamentary system was enacted and the King succeeded. However the R.C.S.K. was not interested in any relations with Fornoire and during the recent civil war within Fornoire and it's military the R.C.S.K. was planning on invading from behind until Alassahran military intervention made them rethink. Soon after the R.C.S.K. had their own civil war on their hands with the people unhappy with Wolfric and inspired by the Fornoire Civil War they revolted.

2017 - The Union a party that opposed Wolfric and was destroyed reemerged and with the support of Aleksander Welczek, the army, and other government officials they were rid of Wolfric. However the Union was not the only party wanting to take control there are many other parties still fighting for control the Union just controls a vast majority of the popularity and many officials so other parties mainly try to infiltrate the Union.




Revolutionary Horses Reborn - A political stunt pulled by Wolfric Swartvec.

Fornoire Loyalist - This group wants the Union to join with Fornoire again under the new constitutional Monarchy. They feel ever since the revolt that the Labor Movement should succeed this party was mainly pushed out of the R.C.S.K. after various regional leaders who made up the Republic took control. They reemerged when the union took control and has since demanded them to stop with fighting and at the very least sign a peace treaty with Fornoire. 

This party has little to no following in the Union as many loyalist were pushed out by Wolfric the following in the Union today are citizens who are usually younger and don't want to enlist or natural born citizens whose parents originate from east Fornoire and didn't leave when the original Loyalist did they are rarely listened to.

MAYEIRT PARTY - Mayeirt was once one of the News capitals of the South Eastern Hemisphere and due to Wolfric starting to control the news a few years after he took complete control. The journalist and a few others who didn't mind his complete control, but just wanted their rights untouched. The party was an opposition party but only to the extent that they felt citizens deserved more rights without the government poking around. 

The party is small and focused mainly in Mayeirt they were never abolished by Wolfric they were left untouched. The party consisted of Journalists and people in Mayeirt who supported these rights. Today it consisted of mainly college students who feel like Wolfric or any government should have control over peoples rights and that everyone should have the right to do as they please, unless it affects others.

FREEDOM PARTY - This party is has strong opinions over the government and due to the heavy federal powers has gained a lot of following. They believe in the destruction of the federal level and that all of Fornoire and the Union should consist of only the people and small militias. These small governments shouldn't restrict any rights of the people. Their purpose instead is only in place to interact with other towns and collect taxes to contribute to the towns advancement and provide services such as roads.

There is very little following and this group mostly goes unnoticed residing mainly in small towns with only a few members in each town. This group is currently unable to run for any office in the Union the party doesn't care as they never intended to run.

LABOR PARTY - This was renamed from the Labor Movement and was lead by Wolfric Swartvec since it's creation and has changed in policy and ideology in order to keep Wolfric and his friends and family in charge of everything from the nation itself to the economy. The followers of this party were people in Wolfrics inner circle and High ranking officals who wanted to gain power through keeping Wolfric in power. This party was very corrupt and tried wiping out all others who opposed them until the part of the party split with the Union party to overthrow Wolfric.

This party has followers who are all currently awaiting trail or in trail for their crimes of neglect and corruption.

NEW LABOR PARTY - This was the party that split from Wolfric Swartvec's original party. They feel the need for themselves to be in power and to remove Wolfric. They are a corrupt party in which followers only want to put themselves in power or gain power for their family and friends and care little to change. It's creation was very brief as it was formed to exclude Wolfric and therefore joined the Union party to have support as not all members split with Wolfric and are currently awaiting trial. The Union allowed them to join only to have access to the inner circle secretly and to advance the revolt against Wolfric.

This was a small party and really just a name for the previous members of the Labor Party that joined the Union party. The Union legislature is not completely made up of this party though and they wish to remove the ideology completely. They are usually older citizens who were high in the government some are just but just old revolutionaries that were in Wolfric's inner circle.

BUSINESS OWNERS UNITED - The group is made of many business owners who before the revolt had many private businesses. The group opposes communism and wants to install a free market or atleast a mixed market economy in which to grow into a capitalist market in the Union. They also wish to stay separate of Fornoire due to new polices set forth by the King which is leading towards heavy wealth taxes. They currently make up a large number in the Union legislature due to the parties large size many businessmen never left Kumari after the revolt. They felt as if they could try to embed themselves in the economic departments to find way to keep it open to capitalism they are the main reason Wolfric was unable to close trade and declare self sufficiency.

This is another large group. They were recently responsible for the union legislature opening up to a mixed economy starting with small private businesses. It is made up of older citizens with some fresh faces these older citizens were usually businessmen before the revolt. The younger citizens are usually just oppose extreme communism and the way of life they grew up in. They also also joined the Union Party in an effort to over throw Wolfric Swartvec and bring a better life through capitalism.

DEMOCRATIC REGIONS PARTY - This is a milder version of the RHR they opposed Wolfric when he took control of all the regions and demanded that he reinstate the old republic system and regional governments. When Wolfric changed the rules of the government that elections were unnecessary the party became violent and stormed the capital they were put down and many were killed. The party became very quiet and in order to keep install fear in the people Wolfric renamed them in reports to say they split up into a violent counterpart known as RHR. They were met with a block as citizens supported Wolfric because it was better than the crown (Fornoire) and knew of what happen to the past members, but after democracy was set up in Fornoire many citizens began to sign up.

This was a large group and continued to grow even after being slaughtered they conducted mainly in the north in secret and on rail yards which was the fastest growing industry in order to gain more followers. They have a wide range of followers and were responible for creating the Union party to over throw Wolfric.

The Union Party - The party is quite new and is the major parties combined all three of which opposed Wolfric Swartvec and wanted to remain separate from Fornoire. The party was made by the Democratic Regions Party in an effort to bring more ideas to the party and supporters against Wolfric. This party is not united and is split in may ideas but infact tries to unite the popular ideas to common ground through democracy an making a better tomorrow. There isn't a constant battle between communist and capitalist as the New Labor Party mainly want some form of a controlled economy only to prevent corruption of capitalist and the Business Owners United do want a free market but would also appreciate any form of capitalism and Private capitalist business in the Union. It has taken the Democratic Regions Party a long time to create mixed ideology between the two and only wants a democratic form of government and is slowly removing the New Labor Party as they make up a small portion of the Union Legislature and sole purpose was to help have an in to remove Wolfric from power being the only party that was given power at the time.



DATE: 03 / 29 / 2017 

The Union uses a mixed economy unique to only our nation. The Union is heavily laced in Bureaucracy and extended that to it's previous economic system being all state and government owned industry. The Union has passed legislature allow all previous business owners who lost their companies to communism of Wolfric to have them returned. This new law was passed with several stipulations:

  • The Business owner will be returned all previously owned company property (Factories, office complex, etc.)
  • The workers currently employed by the state working in a returned factory will be transferred to the business owner. The Business owner that agrees to keep employees for one year will receive subsidizes from the Union. Employees that disagree and wish to remain a state employee may go to the nearest Administration of Labor to request an application. 
  • The Union will be putting what is called a office bureaucrat they will report to the Union the on goings of the company. They will be their to make no fraud is committed or any other suspicious activity. The Bureaucrat will also make sure that the company conducts it's business legally by having custom forums and stamps for various businesses to insure consumers and the company make legal transactions.
  • Businesses that ran and operated mines of any kind will have to forfeit lost resources as the union is unable to reimburse them and in the case of depleted mines the Union will be willing to reimburse 20,000 Koupons to business owners who will receive only depleted mines not a mix of both non-depleted and depleted. 
  • Farmers who owned farmland will have it returned and will not have to keep staff and remain eligible for subsidizes. 
  • Business owners who ran and operated private hospitals, airports, power stations, schools, or other forms of what is now public service will not be receiving any previous assets as these will remain state owned. Nor will they be reimbursed for lost propriety.
  • Businesses will be responsible to pay their own employees except the in house bureaucrat who will have to approve your set wages for workers. The bureaucrat's decision can be appealed and the company will be audited by various Administrations to find a suitable minimum wage for your company.
  • A Business owner interested in receiving their previously owned companies are required to bring two forms of ID to show proof of ownership. They will also have to pay 3,500 Koupons as a processing/transfer fee.
  • If the Previous owner of the company is deceased or moved out of the nation and was bought by a foreign company the companies assets will remain state owned and auctioned off. If the company was moved to Fornoire during the revolt their assets will remain frozen and then auctioned as well.
The Government will no longer provide housing to citizens and will sell all new housing developments past the revolution on auction. Any home that was built before the revolution and seized by the government may be returned to the original citizens by meeting with the Administration of Housing which will soon be divided into different Administrations and closed. Owners of rental complexes will be allowed to set the rent but will receive tax breaks for keeping original tenants at the same rate set by a Housing Bureaucrat for one year.

The Union will also no longer be providing rations and has given distribution centers over to grocery store companies to be converted. They will receive 4 months of rations normally delivered to distribution centers to fill the store. The in house bureaucrat will help set prices for goods in stores and other duties of company in house bureaucrats.

The Union would also like to give all business owners the opportunity to create competition so in house bureaucrats that set prices will not have as much say but when protecting the rights of the workers they will have control.

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