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The 18-02-2017 Silver Royal Address


The King, Willihiam III, assembled the 50 most rich people in the Kingdom, some noble, some bourgeoisie, and few formerly lived poverty. They all waged a campaign against the Social Democratic-led government, who tried to raise taxes on the rich to re-construct Catherine and fund new programmes to alleviate poverty and provide free healthcare, education, etc. In his home, the Silver Palace, he spoke

"Greetings. It has come to my attention that you have all waged a campaign against the people"

"I cannot believe that such greed for billions still exist. We live in the richest times for humanity, where a middle-class Fornirian could easily live better overall than one of my royal ancestors. We live in a time where illnesses can be cured, and we see such illnesses like smallpox as painful, but nothing lethal, when, in antiquity, it killed even the most noble and royal. We live in a time where we can afford way more food that we should consume to survive, and the night is vibrant with activity thanks to electricity, where in more primitive times night's darkness ended the day's activity. We have come so far as a society, as a civilization, and as a nation"

"Yet, I cannot believe there are people still suffering in dire poverty, when we are in our prime in terms of wealth and knowledge. Every time I look at my window, seeing the poorer districts of Catherine from afar, I am heartstricken, saddened, and in distress, whilst I see my neighbors in their yachts in the districts closer to my palace, enjoying the majority of the wealth of all of our society produces. Such a small number of people utilizing the fruits of everyone just for their own gain and pleasure! It tears my heart to see such suffering amongst the populace, when a small elite enjoys prosperity never seen before in the history of all Artemia. I bet not even ancient Selenid emperors had such personal wealth compared to some of our richest men today"

"Your greedy ways consume society's resources, and you tell me you will not share the fruits that your workers produce every day, labouring light and night, only to see a small fraction of their produced wealth each month, struggling to survive? You earn millions more in a month than your employees will in a lifetime!"

"You have not experienced poverty. Only a few of you climbed the social ladder. Most of you inherited your wealth, making it grow even more, at the cost of the worker. To those who have experienced poverty: have you forgotten what you were? Do you have such a short memory? And to all: where is your sense of humanity, compassion, anything at all? If you were never poor, you may have worked endlessly to expand your companies, but you will never work as hard as those you call 'your servants'. Because I know that the rich in Fornoire do not even have the proper respect to call your employees what they are: your valued employees. You call them servants, some of you even call them wage slaves. I know that because I grew into this culture"

"Before embracing the people, I was like most of you: out of touch with poverty. But then, tragedy struck: the communist revolutions captured my home, Catherine. I actually thank that spark of discontent in Kumari, because I was forced into 3 years of poverty. I had failed to escape, and my family even thought I was dead. I experienced what it was to starve, and I was not accustomed to not being served by the servants of the palace. Hiding from the communists until the Monarchist armies came, I literally begged on the streets as a young child, always hiding from communist militias. At first, I thought they would kill me, but I was saved by Catherine's poor, who gave what little money they had to help me, and the palace servants who managed to escape gave me a home. I rejoiced as monarchist armies re-captured the capital, but that experience would scar me forever"

"In high school and college, I remembered those years. How I experienced what my family hadn't. I cherished the servants in the palace, treating them well, saying "please" and "thank you", not common amongst royalty or you. At my university years, I was sent to the Azura Silver University, the most prestigious university in Fornoire. Some of you have studied there"

"I was the successor to the throne, so I was enrolled in capitalist economics. What I saw was horror for me: The businessman made a huge profit from the worker, who received the scraps of his labour. How could it be fair, I asked?"

"I finally knew what made the people poor. The unfair businessmen, who took the majority of profits. I studied our legal system, and it was chaos. Barely any rights for the poor, the workers! No representation in our politics! Those poor people who selflessly took me in while I perished in the communist takeover..."

"When my father passed away, I grieved, naturally. But, as I was ascended to the throne, I saw a chance. And there, the Fornirian Revolution was born"

"I saw socialism as a trap, so I worked, and still do, for a fair re-distribution of our wealth. Social democracy. Yet, you are the main obstacle for progress. Will you never learn of the suffering of the poor? Oh, so help me, stop this! You have millions to spare! And you'll have millions still, even if we 'tax you to death'! Where is your compassion for your fellow man? Why do you keep on with this greed?!"

"We must strive for equal opportunities and fair care. I will personally advocate for free education and healthcare, so everyone can follow their desires. There is no chance for the poor in this system. If you are even human, you will stop this campaign now. I shall not have it. Even if I have to abdicate to defend the people, I shall do so. For your greed will consume our dear Fornoire"

"I hope you feel the sting of poverty one day. For it will be good for you. And you will finally see what greed does to our dear nation"


(The address was published by the Office of the Silver Palace, so your nation may react)

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