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Kumarian Citizens


In light of recent events the Republic of the Communist States of Kumari have receive backlash from neighboring countries that Kumarian citizens lack basic human rights. In response the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided the best course of action is to release a day to day. It is impossible to generalize the entire population so they are showing what is expected of each citizen and various laws that effect daily lives.


Work is mandatory and required as there is work for all and everyone must pull there weight for the glory of the nation. Upon graduation or immigration all citizens report to the nearest district building to find the labor offices, and immigrants will require a occupational transfer exam that graduates should already have. Citizens may take the occupational transfer exam every 5 years to receive a promotion, different pay rate (mere 10s in monetary units separate the pay rates) or a new job entirely. Children are also an important part of the workforce children are allow to work as early as 8 years old and isn't not required, but encouraged with tax breaks and extra rations. Children are not required to take the occupational transfer exam as all child level jobs (8-15 years old) are the same pay rate. All unemployed are taken to the labor offices the unemployed are spotted as ID numbers are required to do almost anything in the nation which reports your labor class. If unemployed have been takin in three times they are sent to a prison labor camp until they pull their weight.

Housing and Life

In order to have suitable living quarters your labor and pay rate are taken to the Housing and development office in the district building. A majority of a citizens tax is contributed to the ministry's department although there are many different jobs a lot of the cities have a standard of tenants that evens out everyone. Meanwhile in rural areas the different jobs have almost entirely different dwellings.
The RSCK have little interest in the personal lives of citizens and only concern is equal rights and a fair economy. Though guns are outlawed for the general public it is to protect equal rights and keep the economy strong many laws like this are enacted to help keep the fundamental rights protected. Many freedoms are also given up to the glory of nation as house searches are a normal event and every phone is tapped. Now all money that isn't taxed citizens are free to spend on unnecessary goods and extra food that their food rations didn't cover. Most citizens can afford electricity and basics and with an efficient public transportation system makes cars an unwise purchase. Every child attends school until 8 where they can chose work study which cuts school hours for their job until they reach 14 when they take the occupational transfer exam which could decide to extend their education.


If the occupational transfer exam extends your education you will be sent to Kumari University a small town that is primarily a campus the exam that extended your education will decide your training. Students live a more restricted life the dorms are all shared  with up to 10 people per room. There is little to no free time and while this is considered a job there is no issued wages as food rations are handed out and free electricity is the standard. Students will normally receive a higher pay rate and extra rations depending on there education level. Their only requirement is to pass training. Any students who fail training are removed from the University and are fined from their new jobs wages until their training is paid off. Foreign students are also allowed to study at the university they differ by paying tuition and do not receive food rations but instead pay, however the tuition pays for a dorm room.


Propaganda is scattered across the country showing the dangers of fascism. Citizens accused of being a fascist or are from a fascist country going back two generations are sent to temporary camps that conduct trails. Citizens are forced out of their home but are usually compliant as trails last 2 weeks and will be sent home without fear of a second trail. If found guilty the accused are sent back to their country of origin or imprisoned for life and forced to give up more fascist for the glory of communism.

Gregor Chekiev the Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will answer any further questions and will release more information in the future.

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