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Life as a Soltek Citizen


There was very little known knowlege of what it was like to live in totalitarian dictatorship such as the Sol Federation as a Soltek. Well, Edward Yutan has decided to reveal this information, to show his citizens' undying loyalty to them. Here it is, the daily life life of a Soltek, split in different chapters.
1- The Average Citizen
The average citizens will usually wake up to an intercom in their room at 6:00 AM, announcing to wake up. They will be in a clean comfy bed and brush their teeth with clean water and available toothpaste. After this, they will go eat their breakfast, usually cooked by themselves. They will then go to their work station. Before they do their work, they must do the Pledge of Allegiance to the Duce Edward Yutan and the state. Since so many Solteks work at variety of different jobs, it would be impossible to fully explain all of them. But the consensus among all of is that they provide basic necessities and no one is worked too hard. After working an average of 7-10 hours, they will be paid for their work. The average of this work is about 18 Sols (14$) per hour. After working, they will arrive at their house and take relax doing leisurely activities. After doing this, they head for bed at 8:00 PM, the state curfew, and pledge their loyalty for the Duce. Not pledging loyalty is a crime, although there is no way to find out if they did or not at 8:00 PM. After this, the cycle continues, unless it is a special holiday.
Chapter 2- The Student
The Soltek student is expected to work hard and learn all that he can about the Sol Federation and its enemies. They will wake up at the same time their parents do, 6:00 AM. They will be picked by the school bus and taken to their school. After eating a breakfast prepared by their school, they will pledge allegiance to the Duce and the state. After this, they are taught grammar, science, math, and history. History is a note worthy one, with teachers telling their students that the Sol Federation has always been cheated out of becoming a great power because of Selene. They tell them that the only one that can save the Sol Federation is Edward Yutan. History is often extremely biased or completely forgotten. They also taught that the Solteks are the master race, designed to conquer the world for their gods. This is not a something created by Yutan, it is a part of the Soltek culture and a central idea in their religion, Solostrian. After this, it is same for the student and goes home just like their parents. More will taled about the other people in the Sol Federation.
OOC: You may have your leaders announce their stance on this shocking revelation.


Grand Imperator Christopher Stachowiak has stated that the level of comfort the Solteks enjoy is "a shining beacon of prosperity for all of mankind." The only part of the message that has caused slight tension in the Empire is the message about Solteks being the master race and conquering the world. However, Drewish-Soltek relations are still very positive, and the Empire hopes the Solteks will participate in the Nationalist military training currently going on.


Venuse Petage, when asked about the Solteks and their daily life, remarked "What do I care? Soltek life has no interest to me, especially with their inferiority as human beings. Those who believe they are superior to all are really inferior to all mankind"


The Councilor of Hauxi has expressed his annoyance and distaste of the Sol Federation by saying 'this is most likely a half-truth, I doubt they wake up in state of the art beds or live life in luxury as this statement seems to suggest. The Solteks are peasants, worked to the bone and made to think that that is a good thing, through brainwashing by racial and religious discrimination. To say they are a master race is like saying the common house cat is mightier than a lion, it is not true. I hope that in the future we can give the Sol Federation back to its people, but for now I am taking a strong stance against it'.

Ranxiagrir, when questioned, responded with 'I am quite disapointed in the brainwashing that the Solteks experience in day-to-day life, and I hope that can be changed, but it is not our place to interfere with foreign politics. However, if a rebellion occurs I will happily support it in the name of the people'. Ranxiagrir would answer no further questions on the topic, saying that anything else to do with this matter is 'quite irrelevant' and that 'it doesn't affect Kauzka'.




Secretary General Wolfric Swartvec has only this to say "Nationalism is the downfall to all societies, it's only purpose is to serve the leader's own idea of what their society ought to do  or ought to be not what it actually is. Nationalism is to radical and will always be corrupt there is no way to undo the level of ignorance behind it, and the RCSK see the Solteks as a threat like all nationalist if they are seen interfering with any nation enforcing nationalistic ideals the RCSK will be there.". Please Sol Federation take this as a warning as further action may take place and your nation has been withdrawn from the Selene Communist pact.


Queen Constantina Vasileiou Yakushkina of Xialta approves of the Secretary General Wolfric Swartvec's speech against the Soltek propaganda, not surprising, considering her very own words in the latest news report of The Red Mantle.


OCC: Uh...my nation was never in the Selene Communist Pact. It's a fascist dictatorship that directly opposes communism and Selene.


(OCC): I now see that I did make it look like you were a member but what I was trying to say is your withdrawn from meetings as an observer.


Chapter 3: The Minority
While there are few minority groups in the Sol Federation, it is noteworthy as all of them are treated the same way.Well, for the Selendids living in the Sol Federation, that's a whole another story. But that's a chapter for another time. Basically, all non-Selendid minorities are all treated like animals.
As the Solteks have an idea of viewing themselves as the master race destined to take over the world, other races are treated like second class citizens. To start off, in the morning they will wake up on a mattress laying on the ground. Getting out of bed, they brush their teeth with old tooth brushes. After this, they will eat a moderate amount of food. They will head for work, usually a factory. Before working, they must pledge that will listen to the Duce and recognize they are inferior to the Solteks. After this, they will be shown no respect and work 12-16 hours a day with a wage of 4 Sols per hour ($2). After working nearly to death for little pay, they will go home. They will either sleep or do leisure activities with what little time they have.
More coming soon.
OOC: You can have your people react to this news.

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