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Flash News

Parthenopias: While attending a charity function in the city of Genora, Archon Antari and several others were killed outside the venue when a lone gunman opened fire. The man was arrested by security services.

Reshara: Kai Sarandine II today celebrated the birthday of her great-grandson who has been named Sarus in her honor.

The State Funeral for Archon Antari is set to be held next Wednesday, the 16th, in Parthenion.

The War in Arzixilega has ended after all embattled rebel forces have surrendered.

Parthenopias: Neas Unova has been officially confirmed as the Archon of Parthenopias in a private ceremony at the Presium. 

Reshara: The Minister of Culture is set to travel to the Desert and meet up with the Rokh Expedition tomorrow to get a progress report.

The Seven Republics

President Janz awarded a group of activists with the Septiman Peace Medal for their work in helping the homeless community in Orabela, Venka, and Alta Stelara. The Federal government has also awarded the group with 50 000 Malaltas, the currency of the Seven Republics, for them to continue their work.


A new ship design was unveiled today by Commander Stelios Takis of Lydia. It is a destroyer-class vessel, meant to fight the intense amount of piracy occurring in the territorial waters of Kalos.


The official portrait of Prime Minister Dimitriou was unveiled today in the Parliament building. Emperor Justinian was in attendance, as was the disgraced former Prime Minister Xanthopoulos.

The Seven Republics

Grand Director of Defensive Affairs Ludwig de Nokto has resigned after a meeting with President Janz. His replacement has not been named.

First Councillor Valerio met with Prince Patrizio today and expressed his intention to surrender his title as Duke of Messelia as soon as a successor can be named.

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Luftfahrt, the major aerospace company in Venka, is rumoured to be making an announcement with regards to space policy in the coming week.

The Senate is set to vote tomorrow morning on the affirmation of the incumbent ruling coalition, amid rumours that some ASS senators could vote with the Merchant Rights Association (ADM).

Campaigning has begun for the September 1 General Elections. No further threats from the Guardians of Tradition or dissenting soldiers have been issued, leading the Government to believe that its actions have been successful and that the elections can proceed as normal, albeit with increased security.

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