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Flash News

Parthenopias has condemned the terror attack in Sartoria, Archon Antari was quoted as saying "We stand with our brothers and sisters, our thoughts are with them."

An Union citizen not resident of the shared city of Oksioripoli has been arrested at the Oksioripoli border checkpoints, allegedly having forged city residency papers. Fornoire has requested to both the city and the Union governments to help it in its investigation of forgeries, in order to prevent Union and Fornirian citizens to illegally cross the border.

Archon Antari's electoral and district reforms have been approved by the Assembly of Cities. The vote in the Princely Court is to be held at 18:00 local time.

The Union Foreign Affairs administration has offered assistance for the border problem seeing how the Union border has already been closed. The Administration has diplomats that will meet with the Fornirian officials along with a chief inspector in the state police.

The Electoral Reforms proposed by Archon Antari passed the Princely Court and will trigger the Superior Court to rule on the legality of calling early elections in 2020 and redistricting.

The terror group Ishvanaya blew up the Museum of National History in Oscilina yesterday evening. There have been 73 reported casualties and 22 are still missing. In a rare multi partisan act, the Labor Party, the liberal New Alexra Party, and the conservative Tiran party, with the support of Defense Minister Ashmir, passed a law that would increase defense spending and formally condemn Ishvanaya.

The 300th anniversary of the First Septiman Republic, Luksa, has been celebrated today amongst the Seven Republics.

100-300 ultra-conservative soldiers are protesting in Catherine, after Parliament plans to approve measures that would allow LGBT+ and Transgender citizens to enlist in all branches of the military. Some of them seem to be armed, police report, but pose no threat after marching peacefully. Police will still tend the matter in a cautious fashion.

A group of Kalon defectors were arrested trying to cross the border early in the morning. They are being held in a secure facility some distance from the border.

Reshara: Kai Araxis III is holding the weekly meeting with Grand-Vicira Psammis Otanes. Defense and Increased trade with Parthenopias are likely topics.

Parthenopias: Archon Antari is to host the annual Corona Gala along with Royarch Ilian at the Royal Palace in Aetira. Guests are to be sent invitations within the next day.

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