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The annual Azure Coast Naval Games -ACNG- is set to go ahead from the 16th to th 20th of this month. This is a centuries old tradition for the Parthenopian Navy.

Anesian journalist Andreja Ilić was shot and killed last night amongst several others in an act of terror.

The Socialist Party has presented a plan, nationalizing the education sector and increasing the spending in education. It is intended for the "rich, middle and poor classes to have the same opportunities, to create a truly equal level playing field". Already fierce opposition has been met in Parliament.

Archon Antari has announced the creation of a reorganization of Exarchies so as to reduce the number of seats in the lower house of the National Legislature.

Sartorian political talk show host Giuseppe Magliano has criticised the Fornirian Socialist Party for proposing a "fairytale bill" and expressed his opposition to a blanket nationalisation of the education system.

President of the Vilenjak Film Festival Vanja Matija Crnčević had announced film submissions for this year's Film Festival will begin on Wednesday, June 21.

The Parthenopian National Legislature today passed a resolution condemning the Fydorian unilateral intervention in Arizixilega, stating that a multilateral peacekeeping mission would best serve the people.

The Arzixilegan government has condemned Parthenopias for "meddling in Arzix's internal affairs, and whom does Arzix allow to be involved in its domestic matters is of no concern to them"

Police checkpoint in the city of Lativekr was attacked by civilians armed with handguns which are banned for citizens. The Union legislation have ordered the District Administrators to begin searching every home within their district for contraband the borders are closed and the Foreign Affairs Administrator has asked Fornoire to stand aside to allow a search in Oskioriopoli.

Fornoire has honoured the Kumarian request, but Fornoire has offered to cooperate with investigations if Union authorities wish it.

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