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Archon Antari today announced that the Assembly of Cities has adopted the change to the election system making the next 5 year election to be set in 2020.

As promised, The First Knight is scheduled to depart for Parthenopias to attend the funeral of Former Archon Iannos, and hold a state meeting with Archon Antari.

WIth northern sea ices continuing to reach new lows, Akarus has begun exploring the possibility of allowing regular shipping through the recently discovered "Northwest Passage".

Fornoire will place tariffs on countries which "do not and will not make substantial efforts to reduce climate change". This is despite the arctic ice melting would benefit Fornoire, along with other countries too.

In order to further strengthen the Union Fornoire relations from Oskioriopoli the Union has begun looking into limiting manufacturing factories carbon emissions due to Fornoires recent climate change restrictions.

First Councillor Valerio and Foreign Councillor Marelli will attend the funeral of the late Archon Iannos.

Fornoire has praised the "proper and respectful" recent actions of its neighbour. "We have limited time to save the Earth. That time is now. We are happy that our Union comrades have decided to act with us" said a spokesperson.

After a public funeral, the body of the late Archon Iannos is en route to Cinnia for a private ceremony for her family and closest friends.

Second Councillor Sciarra has confirmed his attendance to the Eastern Realms Conference and the subsequent Governor Ball.

Fornoire has offered to help Arzix, saying that they "have finally mustered enough strength" to take on what is now a full-blown civil war.

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