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Flash News


Archon Jessero returned to Parthenopias early in the morning calling her state visit to Reshara "a marvelous success."


The first duel between Commanders Anselmetti and Lambros occurred today in Alytheu, with Anselmetti declared as the winner.


At the age of 86, Prince Aegeus V Atriad of Bellonia has passed away. His death has been ruled natural from old age, as he was surrounded by family at their estate near Selossia.


The Communist Party of Qastari has condemned the actions of the coup in Arzixilegan, calling their actions misguided traitorous to their cause, while declaring support for the working class and communist revolt against Yutan


An extraordinary meeting of the Council of Bellonia is meeting to discuss the succession following the death of Prince Aegeus. Bellonia has agnatic succession and Aegeus had no male heirs.


There are rumors about the capital of Qastari over the possibility of a high profile People's Assembly recall.


Commander Pavlović of the Kalon Naval Order was found dead late yesterday night after announcing the start of an investigation into the Fengarí bombing.


Tropical Storm Aja has formed 500 miles west of Kacj.


The Council of Bellonia is hearing cases today from claimants to the Throne of Bellonia. Agnatic succession was reaffirmed today meaning House Atriad's reign comes to an end.


Just outside Parliament Hall in Resna, an unidentified man set off a bomb in a suspected terror attack. Investigations are underway, but we have not found anything notable yet.

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