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[IC] Flash News

In a surprise turn of events, the Conservative Party Leader Nathalie Legard has taken her party's platform to the abolition of the Imperial Administration and the transition to a Parliamentary System of government without an empowered monarchy. This is the first time in the history of Noveaux that one of the moderate parties has taken an anti-monarchist stance. It has yet to be seen if some of the High Nobles and Realm Lords who are apart of the Conservative Party will remain so.

Some Alssahran anti-monarchy legislators have applauded the decision of the Novean Conservative Party, irregardless of the current government of Alssahra as a constitutional monarchy.

The High Fydorian Senate makes decision to conquer the badlands around the country's borders. "I think they're up to something bigger." Insider says.

Conservative Leader Legard railed against the 'excesses' of the nobility and the monarchy stating that the money spent on them could end poverty in Noveaux. Chancellor von Lohen responded saying the taxes brought in by the government upon the nobles and monarchs amounted to massive amounts of income via the taxes and through business tax, tourism tax and property tax. The fight for the public opinion has officially begun commentators say.

After being overwhelmingly voted in favor of in the Qastari People's Assembly, a bill to expand solar energy production has been passed. Solar power currently accounts for 4% of Qastari's energy, while the new sites currently under construction will take up a space of 500kmĀ² total and are expected to increase solar to 15% of Qastari's total energy production.

The Novean Ministry of the Environment has hailed the move by Qastari towards green energy.

The Union has received a response from the Fornoire government and has kept it's promise to keep the speakers off and will be holding a meeting with their diplomats on March 26. The Union's Nationalists has been increasing in the number of supporters the Union has taken any form of anti-Fornoire monarchy propaganda out of schools and public places placed their by the former leader Wolfric.

Fornoire is positive at this development. "We are positive that the Union has seen a better way to manage things, and that is through negotiation. We resolutely support any actions taken by Kumari to bolster a better relationship between the two brother and border states"

Mr. Geskin will be holding his annual dinner party with the leader and ambassadors of other nations on March 25. The Trade pact with the Dictator of Varraran, has gone surprisingly well. Also, a new Fydorium mine was founded on the outskirts of Karbano, a small town southwest of Lomptonburg.

The reconstruction efforts are well underway in Noveaux as the death total has finally been tallied at 28,000 with twice that wounded. 2,000 people are still missing at this time but will be declared dead within two weeks. March 24th has been declared an official day of mourning.

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