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[IC] Flash News

The Archbishop Maximilian stands in solidarity with King Willihiam, stating that the protestors attempt to break into the palace was a threat to Fornoire's national security.

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The Foreign Ministry spokesperson has expressed his nation's solidarity in the defense of the Palace but decried the palace and appealed for calm. An update on the Empress' condition has revealed she suffered head trauma likely during the quake. Primus Olivier has proclaimed the now former Chancellor Essard a 'national hero' for giving her life to save the Empress from further harm.

The Fornirian fleet stationed in international waters near Soltek waters is returning home.

The Archbishop of Mondtburg again called for Fornoire to lift sanctions on Mondtburg and also called for closer ties between the two countries.

The lifting of sanctions is under review by Parliament.

The Union has responded to Fornoire newly found "solidarity" by ordering the travel ban to be lifted on select citizens. They have chosen a Fornoire passive aggressive act by having troops along the border put up loud speakers attracting Fornoirians with extra rations and luxuries if they defect with secrets and/or unknown weapons.


Fornoire has warned that recent Kumarian actions "will jeopardize Fornirian-Kumarian relations. If Kumari wants to build relations with its brother nation, it must cease and desist these reckless acts trying to steal our classified information". 20,000 Fornirian troops have been moved to the border.

William Locke has apologized for the late meeting, "Certain things have gotten in the way," he says.
However due to recent events, Locke has forbidden any Kumari communists to enter the talks, stating "They are not true communists. They took the words of Marx, and stretched them to the point where you can't see the similarities."

The Union has commented on Locke by saying "Who is Marx? His word's are unfamiliar and if being a false communists is allowing the government to be in control of the resources and then fairly distribute among the people than we are Flase Communist". Locke's word's have issued the arrest for William Locke and the Union demands Fornoire to hand him over.

Fornoire will not hand over William Locke to the Kumarian authorities. "It is absurd for a country such as ours to hand over a person who exercised his right to free speech here to another country just because they don't like said person's views. We will not bend to Kumarian requests when William Locke has not violated any of our laws, especially when Kumari has no jurisdiction in Fornoire in any way"

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