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[IC] Flash News

Do to the KPD being unable to control the riots in khorac the neuvuan military has been called in to take control of the situation.

The Lord Mayor of Peilar held a press conference today to express his wishes to mend the divide between government officials and citizens of Mondtburg. He also stressed that the city's top priority was to rebuild parts of the city that were destroyed during the riots.

Security is tight in the Novean City of Adria as a Prosperity Alliance summit is underway. Known topics are Fornoire and the situation in Neuvu.

Following a successful push into khorac the 4th naguu division successfully secured the royal palace. It has been confirmed over 350 rioters have been arrested or executed so far.

Fornoire has asked to send observers to ensure Kumari's democratic elections are legitimate.

The Aethelian parliament voted on the matter of adding 28 new seats, for a total of 128 seats, just to make it a power of 2.
The vote failed, with 64 Nay, 32 Yay, and 4 Abstaining.

The transitional government has welcomed the Fornoire observers to look over the elections, and any other nations are welcome to seek approval.

Aethelia's highest court is considering limits to first names, after an incident regarding the newborn "Robert'); DROP TABLE person; --" resulting in everyone's identity being lost, and is expected to rule on "Little Bobby Tables vs ORA-00942: table or view does not exist" soon.

Fornirian observers are travelling to Kumari at this instant. They will help on setting up elections if the Kumarian government so wishes.

The High Chancery of the Sovereign Archbishopric of Mondtburg has deemed the Archbishop's legislation outlawing Occidental Orthodoxes (the state religion) from converting unconstitutional.

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