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[IC] Flash News

Fornoire is monitoring the situation in Mondtburg

Aethelia is now recovering from the chaos caused by the failed experiment of land ownership, as greedy, corrupt, and bored Aethelians began to claim and charge fees for essential utilities. After parliament members were prevented from using the restrooms by some random guy who was charging 1000000æ to enter "his" land, they voted unanimously to never try this again, concluding that owning land is a ridiculous idea, and could never work in practice.

Amid nervousness among some land-owners because the Socialists and Communists are in the Centrist-Leftist Coalition, the government has expressed that the right to private ownership of lands will be safeguarded.

The City of Adria prepares to host a PA Summit tomorrow that will likely discuss a wide range of reforms to the charter that the Kazigen Elysia Atlas would like to see.

The Lord Mayor of Peilar is scheduled to hold an official press conference at St James' Cathedral tomorrow at 11. The Lord Mayor will be formally welcoming back the Bishop of Peilar after he fled the city and addressing the riots themselves.

The Democratic Socialist party has been appointed to take over as a transitional government into a new era of Democracy that will unify the communist states as the temporary head of state Aleksander Welczek will be stepping down and going home to his village. The new reigning party is currently working on implementing the ideas of a Democratic Kumari they have worked on for the past several years, and has pardoned many surviving members who were jailed or exiled by Wolfric for speaking out.

Massive riots have erupted throughout khorac KPD officers have been surrounded at the royal palace and have started to open fire at anyone within 50 feet of the perimeter.

The Novean Government issued a formal statement condemning the violence in Khorac and calling for calmer heads to prevail. They have also stated the PA Summit scheduled for tomorrow in Adria will continue as planned.

Fornoire has welcomed Kumari's decision.

Aethelians are going through an existential crisis, as cultists spread the word that Aethelia isn't actually real, only seeming to exist through the warped imagination of a paranoid traumatized freak, and that the entire world itself is just a text-based pastime for some extra-dimensional beings.

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