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[IC] Flash News

Following Archbishop Maximilian III's outlaw on divorce, women and men alike have taken to the streets to protest the new government.

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Following his groundbreaking election yesterday, Balder Remar has ascended to become Grand-Divine Judar I. The first man to hold the position in the history of the Faith.

The royal court with the consent of the novean government has decided former king Francis will be exiled to noveaux and will be a guest of house basset.

The Empress Elysia has signed Sovereign Order #0021 and #0022 which create 5 new titles and reform the Emperor/Empress titles to Kaizig and Kaizigen respectively. Henceforth she is known as Kaizigen Elysia I of House Atlas.

Aethelia's parliament will vote today on whether or not to ban the letter "c" for being redundant due to the existence of "s" and "k". If the ban sukseeds, it may set a legal presedent for the removal of "x" and "q".

*Breaking News*
The Arch-Cleric Vivienne Adler has been declared Malificara by the Arch-Clerics of Sant Resia with the full backing and support of that Realm in direct conflict with the newly elected Grand-Divine Judar I. Arch-Cleric Adler has taken the name Cythera III.

After a tie vote on Thursday on the matter of whether or not Parliament should meet on Fridays, the vote passed unanimously the next day, with 50 yay, and 50 abstain. Immediately afterwards, they voted 50 yay, 50 abstain, that half of Parliament members are slackers. Monday was another day of deadlock with 50 yay, and 50 nay, on the matter of half of parliament being losers with no weekend plans.

After Peilar City Police fired on protestors rioting in front of the Lord-Mayor's mansion, tens of thousands have started rioting in the streets. Peilar City Police have started to violently crack down on the rioters, but their efforts at stabilizing the situation have failed.

Talks between the government and the NSC have collapsed, and the government has resumed it's offensive over Catherine. As soldiers defect and rioters cause chaos in the capital, the NSC might surrender, some suggest.

Strong condemnation for the events in Peilar City, Mondtburg have been issued by the Novean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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