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[IC] Flash News

Second Vote in the Novean Sovereign Election occurred at 18:00 local time. Vote was Inconclusive. Another vote will be held tomorrow at 10:00 local time.

A mob of several thousands has attacked a military barracks in Loinsporg-Vastoagne province, after factions neutral in the military refuse to support the government. 13 soldiers and 135 attackers are reported to have been killed.

Third Vote in the Novean Sovereign Election occurred at 10:00 local time. Vote was Inconclusive. Another vote will be held at 18:00 local time.
In other news Power has been completely restored to the Eastern Realms along with Telecommunication Services.

The Eraphalian Senate passes the "Modernization Railway Act of 2017" after fierce debates. Beginning in February 4th, the long awaited modernization of the transit lines will start.

Despite the government's best efforts, the National Army has been beaten in southern Azura province, as the now self-named National Stability Council is trying to create a path to Edwardtown. The NSC has launched an offensive into Catalina province, the last province between NSC territory and the government's temporary HQ at Edwardtown, despite National Army attacks on Azuran NSC territory.

The Fourth Vote in the Novean Sovereign Elections has ended and was inconclusive. Another vote will be held tomorrow at 10:00 local time.
Satine Remanti after learning that she had received nominations and votes has said she will be holding a press conference in the morning.

Prince Patrizio has extended an invitation to former Novean Sovereign Olivier Bast to join him in Messelia next week.

Novean Grand Marshal Elizabeth Ahler has announced the Novean Military has de-escalated from Status 3 to Status 4.

Argena-Hersa Police Force was called in to disperse an agitated crowd in the capital after several hours of heated arguments. The reason for the agitation were disagreements over if the capital was truly one city.

The Fifth Ballot in the Novean Sovereign Election occurred at 10:00 local time and was inconclusive. The Ballot along with the four previous has been leaked to the media by an anonymous source signed as -M. The Sixth Ballot has been postponed from 18:00 today to 10:00 tomorrow.

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