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[IC] Flash News

The Interim Government of Noveaux has ordered its citizens to begin leaving Fornoire immediately given the situation with unknown elements at play. While travel will not be restricted, those who wish to go must first get governmental approval. These rules will be voted on by the new Imperistarium when they are sworn in next monday but are expected to be reaffirmed.

(I hate to double post but it's been over a day)

The official Office of the Imperial Household has released a statement confirming that the elder sister of the Emperor and crown princess of Noveaux, Josephein Bast has been assassinated. Balenos realm and those neighboring it have ordered martial law during the ensuing manhunt for the gunmen. It had initially been reported as a collapse but she succumbed to her wounds at Bale National Memorial Hospital in Balen.

King Willihiam III, Prime Minister Venuse Petage, and a mysterious delegation have all been seen entering a building in central Catherine, surrounded equally by both heavily armed police units and military soldiers. It is unclear on what is happening there.

Parliament has scaled back on it's cuts, cutting only 5% of the military budget instead of 40%, giving no official explanation to the public. The mysterious military vehicles have vanished from Catherine as soon as Parliament announced this.

First Councillor El-Ghazzawy has released a statement regarding the situation in Fornoire, saying, "We are keeping a close eye on the behaviour of our closest ally. We hope they do not falter."

The General Secretary Wolfric Swartvec has denounced Forniore claiming "These people are so blind that they have not only allowed their previous absolute monarchy into their democracy, but support their decisions in their parliament." The RCSK has decided to keep Kumari citizens of Forniore decent as danger to the nation and continue processing them in camps,  even after Forniore voided the trade sanctions, and to make it even harder on Forniore citizens to enter the country.

The Fascists have re-submitted KASA, in order to re-instate sanctions onto Kumari.

Chancellor Cassia Essard was quoted as saying, " While the state in Kumari is unfortunate, Noveaux has more important things than to enter into the squabbles of the international community at this time." Her response to the situation is standard for Novean FP as Kumari is a nation that exports large quantities of Thorium to Noveaux.

While the government in Qastari is yet to publicly comment, an editorial in the Drakos city newspaper has speculated that democracy in Fornoire has been reduced to a puppet government under the control of private interests in the military, and that nearby states should be wary of a sudden violent political shift.

Chancellor Cassia Essard and the now governing Coalition along with all members of the Imperistarium, Governates and other elected positions have been sworn into office throughout Noveaux.

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