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The 7 Tnarist Missionaries who were let through and did not go through the internment camps, 6 of them were murdered on the steps outside the district building after applying for a room at the rec center to use as a church. Insulting images of the religion painted around them and on the Drewish flag, which was presumed to be  confiscated upon arrival with the two missionaries sent back. The messages left on them read "Go home Fascist" and "you caused the camps". The police have released an official report that the incident was a small traffic accident the government has decided to close the investigation on that and did not send a fine to the remaining survivor being treated at a near by hospital.

The Foreign Ministry of the Drewish Empire has issued a statement of outrage at the launching of its missionaries. "They came bearing a message of tolerance and loyalty, and these Communist barbarians executed them. We're beginning to think that an economic intervention in the RCSK isn't enough. We'll see how those barbarians feel when their feeble Communist economy colapses under the weight of worldwide sanctions."

The FFP has submitted a bill to Parliament called FMAKA (Further Measures Against Kumari Act), restricting travel to and from Kumari by adding special security measures. It's passage is under doubt, albeit it could gather support with some sections of the non-Communist, Democratic parties.

According to the Fornirian tabloid The National Gossip, King Willihiam III is an MP for the Social Democrats. The constitution does not prohibit the Royal Family from holding legislative positions, but, if they do, all mentions of their legislative careers are to be censored in order to "prevent the Royal Family to sway the Fornirian people, even if these mentions are false". The National Gossip's HQ was raided soon after police got notice of this, and all the events involved to this matter have been censored.

Another shooter of the August 21 Sorist Shooting, which involved 17 Sorists against security forces in Catherine, has been handed down his veridict. The result: not guilty by insanity, after it was declared that the shooter was "influenced by the shooters to help them" and that he was "mentally insane". Instead of prison, the Catherine Metropolitan Court of Justice has ordered that he must be sent to a mental asylum.

Noveaux prepares as the National Elections are tomorrow. Leaders from the major parties are making last ditch efforts to garner public support. For the first time in nearly a century the Sovereign has actively engaged in attempting to sway voters to the Grand Order Party which the Sovereign heads. Efforts will be seen as either paying off or having been useless on the morrow.

After several years of virtually empty roads The Republic of the Communist States of Kumari are releasing private drivers licenses. No longer will the roads be dominated by industrial shipping trucks and others alike. The RCSK has declared that private vehicles are a necessity and therefore will not be released as a form of product to be purchased with salary. The government will control them just as any resource and distribute them based on need, through application. Report to the nearest office operated by the department of transportation to file an application.

Despite strong opposition from the Military, Parliament has voted to cut military spending by 40%. This money shall be used for education, healthcare, and welfare.

Following the tabulation of yesterday's elections the Novean Government has shifted from Center-Left to Center with the Conservatives having taken the most seats but shunned during the Coalition period. The Grand Order will likely appoint the next Chancellor with the United Greens and Unity filling cabinet positions. The National Liberals have been moved to a cross-bench party along with the Independents. Conservatives will remain official opposition.

Civilians in Catherine and Edwardtown have reported military vehicles mysteriously lining up in the streets to the police. The Government has called an investigation into this matter, and has ordered these units to cease and desist. Police have been protecting Parliament.

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