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[IC] Flash News

The Fornirian Government has counter-attacked, stating that the trials are fair and transparent, despite the Govermment leading the prosecution, with the best lawyers and prosecutors on it's side. In the end, the Court decides, not the Government. Fornoire has also challenged the Alssahran diplomat, saying that he/she "should see it for him/herself"

Massive investigation ordered by Emperor Olivier, NHSB and NSB are searching for where the gunmen obtained their weapons illegally.

With the recent events unfolding of Fascist movements in Fornoire and their disregard towards dangers of fascism which lead to the loss of their capital, the RCSK government is forced to add Fornoire to the list of nationalities being processed at internment camps for Fascism. Oskar Schindlervec the lead processor claims "The Fornirian Government attacks these camps as a inhumane, but in the turmoil of Fornoire we see they are processing fascist just as we are only we enforced it in the beginning and didn't have an uprising on our hands". The RCSK urges the world to setup fascist camps to limit the ever growing power of Nationalist conquest.

Prime Minister Venuse Petage has called the RCSK "ridiculous" on it's claims, saying that "Fornoire remains committed to being a beacon of democracy and freedom. This includes freedom of speech. I have talked to the leaders of the Fornirian Fascist Party, and they have condemned the attacks on our capital, albeit with their own motives of doing so. These fascists tried to grab power in a cruel way, yet we will not hurt their fellow, non-involved fascists. For when you punish an entire group for the misdeeds of a few, you become the very enemy you swore to fight against"

Following the expansion of the internment program in RCSK the Novean Government has ended all direct flights to RCSK and banned its citizens from visiting for fear of persecution. Novean citizens in RCSK have been ordered to report to the Embassy to begin evacuating.

The Drewish Empire has recommended that Nationalists and Democracies cooperate on placing trade sanctions on the RCSK in order to end the internment.

First Councillor El-Ghazzawy has warned the RCSK of large sanctions and a possible blockade if unrestricted internment continues.

A travel advisory issued hours ago warns all Sartorians to refrain from travelling to Kumari unless on essential business and offers travel assistance for those citizens already in Kumari who wish to leave.

December 21st and 22 of 2016 along with the winter solstice and day after every year hereafter have been declared national paid holidays in Qastari as a day for people of all religions (or lack thereof) and cultures to celebrate as a unified people. Festivities are being hosted by the government in several major cities, and volunteers will receive double holiday pay.

The Fornirian Fascist Party has introduced a bill which would place sanctions on the RCSK. It is being hotly debated by the Fornirian Parliament.

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