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[IC] Flash News

Despite being around ~0.5%-1% of the population, Fascist groups have attempted a coup d'eat against the Fornirian Government in Catherine, mustering 5,000 militiants that are in the capital's streets, engulfed in a battle with the Fornirian Army, Fornirian Royal Guard, Fornirian Crown Forces, and the Fornirian Navy (in coastal areas).

Catherine has been blockaded by land, sea, and air, according to local sources. Fascists are being defeated quickly, probably because of their poor training and heavy bombardment.

The Empire has voiced its support for the Fornirian rebels, although the odds that the rebels will succeed are considered very low. If the rebellion becomes sustained, Drewish medical supplies may be sent.

Sorist supporters, mainly Fornirian ethnically, in Catherine have begun to fight against the Fascists. Sorists in Fornoire see fascism as originating from the Soltek regime, which suppressed Soltek Sorists.

Senator Salucci has introduced a motion to condemn the attempted fascist takeover in Fornoire and is calling on First Councillor Valerio to provide material support to the Fornirian Government.

All Sach'aqa citizens immigrating or visiting the RCSK will also be put under more rigorous tests and trials to enter the country as of this moment they will not be put in internment camps. To continue General Secretary Wolfric Swartvec warns Fornoire officals "You may think these internment camps are inhumane but I feel it would have helped prevent any fascist uprising within your borders, our camps alone have deported over 70,000 fascist and imprisoned over 2,000 for crimes."

The Fornirian Government, now refuged in Edwardtown, is still condemning the RCSK internment camps, thinking that they create "political discrimination and persecution", thus they should be removed, as they violate human rights.

Under the advisement of the Imperial Government the Novean Foreign Ministry Spokewoman had this to say,

"Good evening,

At this time the official position of the United Realms is to continue our recognition of the freely elected government of Fornoire. Until such a time that this government loses its mandate from the people Noveaux will not accept any government installed through force of arms. That is all."

Noveaux has otherwise not mentioned the Coup let alone offered any strong condemnation.

New information now released to the public has revealed that late last night during the olurs festival king goldul of neuvu was assassinated in his quarters. a massive search for the assassin is now underway.

Noveaux has ramped up security at all border points with its southern neighbor Neuvu and at all international or regional airfields throughout the nation in response to the assassination of the Neuvuan King.

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