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[IC] Flash News

The three tribes of the Oakenai Penninsula have finally completed their alliance treaty. Under this treaty, the three tribes will merge into one nation: the Jackratic Republic.

Nonfreeeian and the Imperial greek state anouce the ratification of a free trade agreement

The Jackratic Republic has built its first few factories in Oaken City.

When interviewed about Selene, Emperor Cassius Zeno had this to say: "Not a necessarily bad country, but I dislike their sphere of influence and them being the only superpower." "Perhaps this is where me and Yutan find some form of common ground."

Xialtan Persian cat receives multiple medals of honor for its services in the Xialtan Civil War
The Council of Foreign Relations and Trade (C.F.R.T.) is suggesting that Xialta should make territorial claims on Jalis, although the Queen of Xialta has not made any official announcement, in regards to the territory in question.

The Drewish Empire has formed a powerful economic and military alliance with Imperial Military Greece. Greece has stated that if the Empire asks, it will join them in the Oscad war.

1,000s of refugees flee Oscad as the Trinity does not deem it safe anymore.

Qastari is opening it's borders to Oscad refugees, offering work and amenities.

Despite the war tearing apart their country an outspoken Oscadan official has mocked Imperial Greece saying 'your motto 'freedom or death' is an oxymoron, and how do you hope to uphold this value of you are attacking the most free country around on behalf of a dictator?'

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Nonfreeeian corporations has begun to drill their first offshore oil wells in the northern Arctic region.
Stocks for energy companies are up 10% today

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