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[OOC]  The Stelle Meeting (OOC)


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No one wants to join? R.I.P.

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Lol you called my countries people savages but I think that's what the other countries think of yours.


You get a insult, and you get an insult, and YOU get an insult!
But for real, I haven't really detailed how my people have been living. They just obey the government, no matter what.


Lol sounds like most countries nowadays to be honest


No it really doesn't. People have revolted against certain actions the government takes. My government is a dictatorship that brainwashes its citizens to do its bidding.


Well maybe a more extreme version of nowadays then, because there is definitely some brainwashing in today's society which is why we all buy phones that are engineered to fail.


I don't think there is any brainwashing. I just think that you're talking about the people who don't have a brain. Which sadly seem to make up the majority. I don't buy new phones, in fact I still use my 2 year old phone. I'm not brainwashed. My opinions are vastly different than the norm.


Good point, I guess we're alike then because I still have my shitty as phone which I got from my grandma lol.


Is anybody gonna go to the meeting lol

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