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[IC] Flash News

Edward Yutan has created strong fascist propaganda in the majority of the population. Now millions believe in fascism.

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Akarus has issued a travel alert for travellers, advising travellers to stay away from the affected regions of Tepetitlan. Air travel over parts Tepetitlan will be redirected or cancelled due to ash.

Alssahran diplomats have requested a meeting with the Premier of Tepetitlán.

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The Fornirian Government has issued a travel advisory to it's citizens about flying to Tepetitlán, citing the recent eruptions in it's capital.

In response to continuing mobilisation efforts from Sach'aqa, Alssahra has raised the tariff to almost double the current rate, until mobilization is reversed.

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In a statement released today the Foreign Office has condemned the Sach'aqan mobilisation as a "dangerous and irresponsible course of action" and has called for peaceful discussions with Alssahra over river access rights.

Tariffs on Sach'aqan goods have been increased by 35% in Fornoire, whilist Alssahran tariffs have been cut in half.

After a successful firing test of multiple battleships, the emperor has ordered increased naval unit production. His will is destiny.

Edward Yutan has asked for other leaders to join his meeting and discuss world matters. The meeting will be held at the capital, New Stelle.

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According to a diplomat from Alssahra, the Empire will not be attending the meeting in New Stella for reasons of "improper informal attitude" and "a bigger focus on the war".

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