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[IC] Flash News

Keemu's 'hunters' bring a message to the Sol Federation detailing military assistance in exchange for leaving them be.

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The Righteous Empire celebrated yet another proud Legion Day, when over 1 million people gathered in Imperius and the surrounding area to celebrate our destined Infantry, Air Force, and Navy.
Things could've been much worse however, if it weren't for the responsive force of the Emperor's Clandestine Service, who stopped an individual that they found guilty of attempted terrorism. He planned to bomb Magnificence Square where the parades were being held.
This has once again fanned the flames on the debate dealing with refugee policy, and whether or not attacks may become more frequent. Regardless, nothing could stop people from proudly chanting: Pro Imperatore!

A statement by the Foreign Office has expressed "serious concerns" over the deployment of Soltek troops to the sovereign territory of Kauzka without domestic authorisation or international support.

Things could have taken a turn for the worse at the Legion Day celebration held in Imperius. There were over 1 million citizens from The Righteous Empire celebrating the might of our military. However during this time, a man named Arwin Morrison had been planning to bomb the event. Thankfully the Emperor's Clandestine Service apprehended him before anything could happen. Details of the investigation are scarce, although the man has claimed to be from the recently fallen country of Kauzka. This has fanned the flames about the debate on our nation's refugee policy. Regardless, nothing could stop our citizens from proudly chanting: Pro Imperatore!

The whole of Qastari has been declared to be unified by its new government after being split for years into factions in its recent civil war. Local militias and military forces loyal to the party have been commanded by the party's de facto leader to ensure the prevention of new rebellions arising while new officials are elected.

Procellia has begun resettling the refugees into the religious regions of Procellia. Dispersing them so they have to integrate into Procellian society.

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Preliminary infrastructure construction along the Grand River has begun in Sylon.

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Virellia Prefect Gisella Borghi has called for the construction of an international bridge between Giria and Itzapalapa.

Edward Yutan has defended his actions in Kazuka, saying that he wishes to end the anarchy and troubles in the nation. "We will bring back stability in the nation," said Edward Yutan.

Keemu surprisingly has reacted to the Sol Federations statement saying 'people are happier now, no one tells them what to do and we still have farms, power and water running so everyone has the resources the need. No doubt if you come in the people will fight against you so leave us alone and stay in your authoritarian dictatorship'

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