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[IC] Flash News

Edward Yutan has offered military assistance to Sasaufe. "I will not afford to lose a friend," said Yutan.

Sasaufe has declined the offer, not wishing to kill anymore people.

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Procellia, claiming that since the crime occurred in Procellia they have jurisdiction, has allowed Sasaufe into the country to face trial. They have also offered refuge to Kauzka's demonist population.

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Sasaufe secretly leaves for Procellia.

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Polls have opened for the Fornirian Elections, after being delayed for a day for the theft of 20,000 ballot papers in the northern regions. After the police found the criminals and seized the stolen ballots, the election can begin.

The Greeks have rounded up the remaining criminals of its country and sent them to the firing squad

The Greeks have endured a terror crisis because of the archbishop of a church being brutally murdered. However the killer has been caught and died before he could face trial after a sniper had shot him in the chest and neck in his cell.

Kauzka cuts all ties with foreign nations as the government collapses.

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Sylon has offered refuge for members of the Kauzkan government.

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Fornoire has proposed the government-in-exile, if there is one, that it will send a peacekeeping force to end the anarchy. The country will try to contact other nations if the exiled government gives in.

Despite Sasaufe's order to not send military assistance, Edward has deployed 5,000 troops in Kauzka to deal with the anarchy.

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