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[IC] Flash News


Despite the failure, the Sorist Fornirian Party has refused to disband. Instead, it has re-named itself the New Sorist Party, in order to distance themselves from the Sol Federation.


Procellia, in response to recent protests of its citizens, has withdrawn aid from Greece. Additionally, the governing bodies have all agreed to not initiate any new trade deals, though they will continue to honor the current one.

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The Greeks have stated that the Sorists that were convicted as cult members were executed but any other were sent safely back out of Greece with the military aiding them in supplies and medical resources

The Greeks have also have shown evidence that the Sorists are plotting with the cult because of it involving the murder of eight year old Alexia Strouvrapis who was killed by a band of Sorists by ritual sacrifice

The Greeks assure that they are taking care of the Sorist citizens but will kill any Sorist who commits murder or sides with the cult

The Greeks laughed at the remarks given by the Sol Federation saying that "He who lives like a Sorist dies like a Sorist.

The Greeks have said that they are not a threat to anyone and would like peace but will use their military if necessary such as traitors like the Sorist group of Greece


Sylonnic pundit Kerasinda Merita has called the rise of fascism to power in the Sol Federation, "expected and overall, underwhelming".


In a speech at the annual Foreign Correspondents Association, First Councillor Valerio has said "the world must be made safe from authoritarian regimes".


Edward Yutan, having meet Valerio once, said that he walked away from him in the summit. He said that the reason was, "He was a coward who couldn't take the heat."


The Imperial Greeks states have successfully taken the sorists to either the Sol Federation or Seniar

The Greeks have also sent medical supplies to the Sorists in Sol Federation and Seniar

OOC: my replies keep deleting i do not know why.


The Sol Federation has burned all medical supplies sent by the Greeks. Edward Yutan has defended this act, saying , "This will not make up for all the deaths of fellow Solteks. They may have been Sorists, but they were still Solteks, damnit!"


The Imperial Greeks understood that and did not say another word

The Greeks understood that the Sol Federation is now fascist and sent the Sorists to Seniar

An official from the Foreign Office has been quoted saying "nobody has lost any sleep over the Yutan Declaration".

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