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[IC] Flash News

Former king Francis made a public statement today explaining he is disgusted by the way the government is handling the riots in khorac and has called the 4th naguu division murderous psychopaths.

Archbishop Maximilian III dismissed current members of the High Chancery due to the fact that they deemed his legislation criminalizing conversion unconstitutional. New members of the High Chancery are scheduled to convene later today.

Aethelia's engineering department has announced the invention of the century: The ultimate eating utensil, which can be used as a spoon, OR as a fork. They call it the "Foon".

A group of protesters have been stopped by the Novean Military outside of Adria, keeping them from entering the city, during the Prosperity Alliance summit. They're intention was to protest the inaction by the Neuvuan government. They have set up a protest area just outside the city.

Attempts by Aethelians to dig to the center of the planet were halted today, as everyone discovered that digging holes is a lot more exhausting than it looks. One Aethelian is now claiming to have the world record deepest artificial hole, at about 5 meters.

The Mondtburger Parliament once again passed Maximilian III's legislation criminalizing Occidental Orthodoxes from converting to other religions.

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The Novean Foreign Ministry condemned the passaged of such restrictive legislation in the Archbishopric of Mondtburg calling it "Barbarically outdated."

Councillor Ali has given a press conference demeaning the recent legislation passed in Mondtburg criminalising conversions, calling it 'an egregious violation of a basic human right.' He warned of future consequences.

Despite determining from the histories of other nations that those in power often intermarry with others in power to combine their strength, Aethelian leaders have decided to stop offering to procreate with the leaders of other nations after this method has failed to improve diplomatic relations. It has not yet been determined why this method is failing, though it's suspected that the offer has not been made the right way. It also hasn't been determined how "marriage" and "monogamy" somehow work in other nations, but Aethelia intends to study this.

Millions of Mondtburger dawned ethnic clothes and marched around Mondtburg City to show their solidarity with other religions.

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