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[IC] Flash News

The Sixth Ballot at 10:00 local time was inconclusive and the Seventh Ballot at 18:00 local time was inconclusive. There have been protests throughout the nation against Alessandra Orseneu who has taken a late lead in the race. Security has been increased at the Imperistarium.

The government has fled Edwardtown to Giriyeli Province, Edwardtown Metropolitan Province's western neighbor. If the NSC takes over Edwardtown and still puts up a fight, analysts say the government might surrender.

Following NSC gains in Fornoire, the Drewish Empire has released another statement saying that no matter who wins the conflict, all foreign nations must stay out of it. "The Fornoire conflict must be resolved without outside interference. Only then will the outcome be truly representative of the civilians' opinions. Any and all action from outside nations to interfere in the conflict will be seen as imperialist and will be condemned by the Empire."

Declaring "Intera Devalo," an ancient Eraphalian phrase, several provinces and major cities are petitioning for the expansion of the modernization rail act. The expansion would take place in creating a line similar to the approved maglev line for the coastal cities.

The NSC is meeting fierce resistance from the National Army in Catalina Province, making any advance into Edwardtown slow.

The Ninth Ballot held at 10:00 local time was inconclusive. The Tenth Ballot will be held at 18:00 local time.
Satine Remanti, Former Empress of Noveaux and Dowager Queen of Auvatoria has announced that she abdicated after finding out that she had Stage IV Breast Cancer.

For the first time ever since the insurgency, NSC forces have been pushed back. But not in Catalina, but instead in Azura Province, where National Army troops pushed NSC troops further south.

The Film Society of Noveaux has confirmed that the Annual Cote d'Azur Film Festival will go ahead as it does every year despite the ongoing Sovereign Election.

The interior Eraphalian provinces have, in an act of political unity, formed the Interior Interest Group or IIG to support their cause for the expansion of a second maglev line.

The Tenth Ballot of the Novean Sovereign Election has been conclusive. The Ministry of Imperial Affairs has issued a statement saying that the majority has been reached by a candidate. At this time it is not known who this candidate is.

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