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[IC] Flash News

Crisis in Noveaux Continues. Major Press Conference scheduled for tomorrow by the Emperor.

The government has announced it's retreat from the capital and the Catherine Metropolitan Province proper.

Novean Emperor in surprise abdication announcement.

Power has been restored to the Sankt Resia Realm in the northern part of Noveaux marking the first eastern realm to be restored power.

Military factions leading the assault on Catherine have finished taking over the province, and are headed to it's western neighbor, the Azura Province. Due to it's historical significance, the government has announced an offensive to push back the invading military forces from this province, even if the National Army is not as trained as the Fornirian Royal Military Armed Forces are.

Electors assemble in Auvon to begin the Sovereign Election process.

Wolfric Swartvec has announced that 47 internment camps have been closed as a majority of Kumari citizens have been processed 2 camps have been left untouched however the reason being "For future citizens who immigrate to the RCSK that hail from fascist nations to insure they are not a danger to the people." All border restrictions are still being implemented on fascist citizens who are visiting as well as citizens from Fornoire with the current situation.

The Novean Chancellor hails the closure of the majority of the Kumari camps. She however refuses to answer more questions.

First Vote in the Novean Sovereign Election occurred at 10:00 local time in Auvon, Auvatoria. Vote was inconclusive. Another vote to be held at 18:00 local time.

Seikyo nationalist protests have gotten violent in the city of Seikyo, with hundreds of people rioting in the streets. The Fornirian Government has expressed that "we believe that local authorities have the capacity of handling this situation", despite local police admitting that they need extra help to deal with the riot.

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