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[IC] Flash News

Foreign Councillor Marelli has defended the visit of the First Councillor to Alssahra as a step towards further integration with Sartoria's allies.

Fascist Internment camps are on the rise as any citizens Identifying as a Nationalist or Fascist will be carted off to one of the facilities as well as all immigrant/refugees from The Sol Federation, Drewish empire, Righteous Empire, and Jackratic Republic until they are proven not to be a danger to the nation. If found guilty they will be striped of citizenship and dropped off in their homeland or outside the border and banned. We are also still accepting immigrants and refugees from those countries, but they will be put through a more rigorous process than other nations.

The Drewish Empire has expressed shock and condemnation at the internment of its people. When questioned about the internment, Grand Imperator Stachowiak stated, "We will not stand for the barbaric internment of our people. We demand all Drewish emigrants be released from these camps immediately."

Edward Yutan condemns these acts against his people, calling the RCSK commie scum. "We will be there when the fascist revolution hits them, and we will hit hard," said Yutan.

Fornoire has condemned the RCSK's actions, calling it a crime against human rights.

Alssahran band Nyctinastic has released the first single from their upcoming album, Foreign Battle.

The Grand Imperator of the Drewish Empire, Christopher Stachowiak, has died this morning. Three potential candidates to become the next Imperator have been announced.

Inka Wiraqucha IX has expressed public support for Sach'aqa joining the Nationalist Alliance.

The Drewish Empire has stated that if Sach'aqa wishes to join the NA, they would be gladly accepted, so long as they attend the next alliance meeting.

Fornoire is "worried" about Sach'aqan support in the Nationalist Alliance, and will be in staunch opposition to any moves to integrate it into that alliance.

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