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[IC] Flash News

After a long week of hard labor, the Jackratic Republic has begun supporting law, economics, and the armed forces.

Communism has been crushed in the Sol Federation, but now Yutan looks to crush ideas of democracy. "First, we crush communism, now democracy, a horrible invention created by the Selendids," said Yutan.

Fornoire has said that it will give $200 million to rescue all democratic opposition in the Sol Federation, and will increase to $500 million if needed.

The members of the Council of Education, Media and Entertainment (C.E.M.E.) of Xialta are stating publicly and collectively their concerns about the situation of Communist and Socialist citizens in the Sol Federation and are trying to convince the Queen of Xialta, Constantina Vasileiou Yakushkina, to make an action against it.

The Drewish Empire has officially started its own space program. The ICC (Interstellar Conquest Commission) has been founded with the goal of establishing a space station in orbit. The Empire has stated that they hope the entire Nationalist Alliance can pitch in in man's quest for the stars.

The Jackratic rebublic has recently founded it's first massive oil refinery, the economy gets ready for a massive boost.

Ranxiagrir will be hosting his 56th birthday on November 10th. He has sent invitations to all nations inviting them to this event.

The chairman celebrates his 27th birthday today. A small private celebration was held and his personal residence. We here at the Plain Dealer wish the chairman a happy birthday

The Fornirian Army has cornered the so-called Northern Fornirian State. In turn, the NFS has declared itself fascist.

Edward Yutan publicly announces his support of the Northern Fornirian State, calling the state his fascist brethren in a harsh world of democracy. "As the only fascist nation in the world, it is our duty to protect fascism," said Yutan.

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