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Flash News

Reshara: The town of Sargo is preparing to host the annual "Vandag Bel" music festival. The event is considered one of the largest open music festivals in the world. It will take place on the 12th.

Parthenopias: Rumors from unnamed sources in the Parthenopian Navy have stated that the RNS Arcus has no life signs aboard. The Navy itself and the Government have refused to comment.

The Space Office has announced the release of hundreds of high definition photos of Artemia, taken by the Nexus IX satellite.


There have been rumours that Constantine Lambros was one of the Kalon defectors sent to Septima, but the President of Supra Valo has refuted the claims.

Reshara: Kai Araxis III has approved the Vedic Assembly's loosening of Marriage Laws so as to allow LGBT+ couples to wed.

Parthenopias: Archon Antari is hosting a private dinner with former Archons Jessero, Pallidus and Thegus. The three Archons who were in power prior to Antari's succession.


A frigate patrolling a designated no-fly zone has gone rogue and was destroyed by nearby Septiman vessels.

Reshara: A public vote on the new flag design is being prepared for Saturday the 8th. The final three designs are what will be on the public ballot.

Parthenopias: Foreign Councillor Arezzo is to host a black tie gathering for the various ambassadors in Parthenopias to raise awareness for poverty across the globe.

Fornoire has issued a mild travel warning to Septima, citing the recent event in which a frigate went rogue.

Fornoire and the Republican forces in Arzix have given all rebels three days to surrender in exchange for amnesty, or a joint Fornirian-Republican assault will bomb rebel-held areas to rubble. Some rebel forces have surrendered in the frontlines, but no group has officially surrendered.

Reshara: Reshara is set to mark the 60th anniversary of the University Massacre which sparked the War of Independence from Parthenopias. For the first time the Parthenopian Ambassador will be in attendance. 

Parthenopias: The Liberal Democrats are in talks with the Popular Alliance about a potential merger of the parties.

The Fornirian-Republican artillery, bomber plane and rocket assault has commenced. Caught completely off guard, rebel groups have condemned them as dishonest and liars.

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