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The special counsel in the investigation into the hacking of the 2015 National Elections has announced that the investigation is near completion.

The Republic of Tisiphone in Parthenopias is set to celebrate it's creation one hundred years ago. It was formally the Republics of Genora, Cinis and Galadon.

An exhibition on 20th Century Portraits has opened to critical acclaim in Porto Verale.

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The Violetta Theatre, a building closed off to "non-royals who are peasants and average subjects" (A.K.A. the poor and middle class who are not royalty nor nobility. The non-royal rich must receive an invitation to attend) and long known to produce many of Fornoire's best theatrical performances, has been forced to open to the general public, as a court ruled that it "blatantly discriminates in the extreme". Anyone who can pay one of their theatre tickets can now attend.

Reshara: The government has unveiled an expansion to the Port of Letopolis set to officially finish construction in 2022.

Parthenopias: Archon Antari attended a dinner in honor of the late Archon Iannos in Cinnia today.

30,000 Fornirian troops and 5,000 volunteers have arrived at Arzix, landing at "strategic sites" to defeat mainly communist rebels. A battle to save a Republican enclave surrounded by communist-controlled territory is the most noticeable action Fornoire is doing, with 2,000 soldiers trying to "punch a hole" to relieve the encircled Republican territory.

Reshara: The Vedic Assembly has proposed a loosening of the laws regarding same-sex marriage so as to allow them to be performed by the clergy. 

Parthenopias: Tech Giant "Corona" has made a $14B bid on the Grocery Chain "Pastures" in a move to enter the grocery scene.

A Nostrasian Ship near the Coast took warning shots at a Parthenopian Frigate as they supposedly were sighted 'Too Close' to sovereign Waters.

Reshara: The Kai today has traveled to "the Wastes" to meet up with the Archaeological expedition led by former Parthenopian Archon Jaina Jessero.

Parthenopias: The Parthenopias navy has not yet commented on the incident in the western sea. Archon Antari proposed a bill to rename the capital Aetira to Parthenion.

Over three thousands citizens have been arrested for the possession of weapons they will be separated based on extended charges and type of firearm these citizens will be charged in groups in there respecting town to save time.

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