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Flash News

Arzixian officials have condemned the Selenid resolution, calling it "a grand violation of our internal affairs, and who we authorize to get involved is none of their concern".

Archon Antari has introduced the first of her reforms, moving the next elections to 2020 rather than 2022 so as to get back on a system where elections fall on years ending in "0" and "5".

Wolfric Swartvec has died in prison today while awaiting for all other high ranking officials of the RCSK trails he was never able to plea his own case as many of the cases before would be valuable testimony against him.

Grand Commander Anselmetti and Prime Minister Dimitriou will be meeting in Kalos in peacetime for the first time in centuries next month.

In response to being informed of talks between Kalos and Selene, Archon Antari was quoted as having "cautious optimism."

The Union has dispatch the Administrator of Trade and Commerce to Fornoire in discussion of possible trade between the two nations.

Former Parthenopian Archon, Jaina Jessero, was seen today in "The Wastes" an inhospitable stretch of the Resharan Desert. Her purpose is unknown but assumed to be archaeologically related.

Fornoire's Parliament has passed a declaration, supporting Selene in any dealings they have with Kalos. The government has not commented on this.

Fmr. Archon Jaina Jessero held a brief and very small press conference today stating that she was helping the University of Letopolis search for the ruins of Rokh.

Ieosus Papathanassiou, husband of the Prime Minister, has given a commencement speech at the University of Kalosia where their daughter Sepphora Dimitriou is graduating.

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