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The man and the empress


Griffin tried his best to hide his bewilderment and amazement at the vista and view of the city. Extrithica was nothing like this. What had once been the ancient Hub of the city had been demolished through a combination of the destruction of the Civil War that had led to the rise of the corporate government as well as Redevelopment plans that had turned the small ancient buildings into massive apartment complexes and skyscrapers that stretched a thousand feet into the air.

He remembered his only real experience with this Lush natural beauty that he found here in the garden. His father had brought him over to a personal meeting with the second-highest individual in the country the grand executive of the Imperial Bank. He remembered his father complaining that he wish you didn't have to see this as his father described monarchist scumbag. Imperial Bank was all that remained of the Royal Family. But it was also the hardest to get rid of period it had a monopoly on banking in the country and thus was a huge necessity for both the rebuilding loans as well as the General Financial well-being of the empire. But regardless of the position this man held inside his personal apartment which was atop one of the largest skyscrapers in the capital there was a garden. While his father and the Lord executive talked policy and economics and politics Griffin had run off into this garden and climbed up into a tree. It was almost natural like he was supposed to do it. Unfortunately the branch failed to support his six-year-old self and he was soon getting an early lesson in physics as he landed hard against a small rocky path in the garden. The tears and cries of the young boy immediately brought his father to him.
" daddy i fell from the trees!" Griffin had cried.
Is pop father let out a sigh  " son your ancestors got here by climbing down from trees not up them. We can't waste our time climbing trees like when we were monkeys. We can only ever look forward son. The past must remain the past now lets get you cleaned up...."

The happy reminiscing of trees and his father's first lesson about Darwinism was abruptly interrupted by the welcoming words of the empress.

He rapidly took his seat adjusting his Bow-Tie slightly before looking to the foreign minister

He chuckled slightly. He remembered what his mother had taught him " the business of business should always be buiness"

With these words of wisdom ringing in his ear the Intrepid young CEO kind of burst of confidence. Well he didn't have his father's Charisma or standing presence that allowed him to come in the room he did have his father's and mother's intelligence
" ms. Minister I believe the first issue we should discuss today is the one that has the most likelihood of benefiting both of us. Trade and investment. I think we should leave this table today with a framework to work out a trade and investment partnership that would allow our corporations to invest in each other's Nations and the free movement of goods and people" he said adding some Flair with his hands as they waved around as he talked

Messages In This Thread
The man and the empress - by Nofreedomland - 10-14-2016, 04:57 PM
RE: The man and the empress - by Noveaux - 10-14-2016, 06:48 PM
RE: The man and the empress - by Nofreedomland - 10-14-2016, 07:06 PM
RE: The man and the empress - by Noveaux - 10-15-2016, 10:18 PM
RE: The man and the empress - by Nofreedomland - 10-15-2016, 10:40 PM
RE: The man and the empress - by Noveaux - 10-17-2016, 08:29 PM
RE: The man and the empress - by Nofreedomland - 10-17-2016, 11:20 PM

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