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[IC] Flash News

The Union has ordered troops to be placed on the Fornoirian side of Oskioriopoli. Sergei Petrov says this "It is a shared city no longer Oskioriopoli belongs to the Union and all fornoirian citizens will be deported." The claim has lead to many Fornoirian being taken from their homes and trucked to just outside the border and construction of extending the wall around the rest of the city has begun.

The Novean Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a strong condemnation of the unilateral aggression by the Union in occupying the Forniran side of Oskioriopoli.

15,000 Fornirian troops stationed near Oskioripoli are en route to a spot near the city in the border to meet a larger force, which will return the Fornirian side back to Fornirian control.

In response to the invasion of The Union, Fydoria has asked the leader of Firnoire if they are "in need of assistance in this effort." Very rarely, Archibald Geskin has allowed an interview with the press. Mr. Geskin says "We fully support Fornoire in their efforts and I would definitely like to help them."

Fornoire has said that it does not need help now, but will fully support any assistance the UFSF can muster if "large-scale conflict occurs (i.e. a total invasion)"

The Foreign Office has released a statement that "condemns in the strongest possible terms" the occupation of Oskioriopoli and urges the Union to "end its flagrant violation of international law".

Anti-Kumarian riots in Catherine, Oriportum, Edwardtown, Montpoli and Ventus have left 10 dead, most of them Kumarian citizens or Fornirians of Kumarian descent. Police have moved in to restore order and protect Kumarians.

Fydorian Speacial Forces have successfully located and detained a high ranking individual in the terrorist group, Gjoda Red. Officials will say little more than that they are interrogating him now, and that they are looking for the location of the leader of Gjoda Red, only known as, Hades.

With the votes still being tallied from yesterday's snap general elections news agencies are predicting that the Conservatives will against the largest share of the vote but will still be shy of ruling without a coalition. Only the Unity Party has stated they would be open to coalition with the Conservatives. The National Liberals appear to have taken seats back from the Grand Order and the United Greens.

The Royal Navy has been instructed to blockade Kumari in the next few days.

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