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[IC] Flash News

Today a group of hackers exposed a government plan to create a large alliance with neighboring nations. The hackers were arrested earlier this evening. "We don't know what they called it, but we know it exists!" Yells Arron Shinter from his prison cell.

The Leader of the Revolutionary Horses Reborn group has disappeared a group that has been anti-Fornoire so much so they opposed the Swartvec administration's "mild attitude" saying "This wall divides what belongs to true Kumarians." This is their recent statement in response to the Unions actions on diplomacy "Yet another example of when the Union sits when it's true owners (Fornoire) says so. Diplomacy! Ha more like further allowing us to live in their western half."

The City of Pelikangau and the County of Peilar have started reconstructing the Pelikanbuerg, an old historic castle that was destroyed during the Mondtburg-Peilar​ War (1945-46). The Project is estimated to cost 1.2 billion Selenid Solidi and take upwards of 5 years to complete, but will be opened to public after the first year, if everything goes accordingly.

321 Seikyo Nationalists in Seikyoshima have been arrested by local authorities for holding a pro-independence rally. King Willihiam III has furiously protested the action, and is giving authorities in all Seikyo provinces 48 hours to release all "political prisoners".

Catherine Yektrik appointed Administrator of Education addressed the Union Legislature last week with the new version of the Occupational Outlook Exam and asks for permission to enforce it with haste. The Union has looked into the exam and has denied Yektrik's proposal stating "It will no longer be the government's job to find you a job in this new economy and we are now abolishing the test entirely" unfortunately unemployment has increased and many protest the ruling as they were relying on the test to find them a job.

Imperial Sovereign Evander I has signed his first three Sovereign Orders. #'s 0001-0003. They are as follows: #0001 makes Claire von Wolfe of the eastern realm of Alteil the new Ascendant. #0002 bestows the rank of Imperial Prince upon Olivier Bast. #0003 proclaims Aptide 2 (April) as Novean Castle Day.

Mass hysteria occurred last night as Executive Administrator Sergei Petrov ordered troops to break into the homes of members of the New Labor party to arrest them he had this to say "The New Labor party is a threat to the Union, and have been planning to reinstall the authoritarian government and getting rid of all other parties". According to records the party was planning on splitting from the Union after the passing of new laws allowing private businesses.

Fornoire has pledged "undying support" for a democratic Kumari.

Non-Fascist Government are seen as 'weak' by the government of Fydoria. Fydoria's unification with Varraran has now been recognized. Government officials say that they plan to connect the borders and become one big supernation. They have called this new nation the 'UFSF'.

King Willihiam III has "officially recommended" the custodiship of Abe Akira (governor of Seikyoshima), Yamamoto Mai (governor of Azushima), and Kato Takeshi (governor of Subarashima) to Minister of the Police Forces Aesities Ichitis. Mr. Ichitis has accepted the recommendation, putting the three under custody for questioning on a preliminary investigation on violations to constitutional rights.

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