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[IC] Flash News

Mondtburg's Minister of Finance has allocated 150 million Selenid Solidi to be sent to Noveaux as relief to help the Novean reconstruction efforts. Archduke Rilend has put his best best wishes and prayers to the family of those who where killed, wounded or displaced during the disaster.

Ganii kolusk the Asukiiv of the region Dolji has announced the recent passing of former General and King of Neuvu Elino Velank at the age of 112 .

The terrorist organization known as Gjoda Red has just bombed a Fydorian Warship. The Ship sank within an hour. 67 are dead, and 411 are wounded or otherwise. The senate has this to say. "This is the last straw!"
"Everything began as a normal morning, washing the decks, playing the anthem, saluting the flag... and then BANG!" A weary survivor says.

The newly formed Order of Saint Rudolphus has officially taken their oaths to protect and serve the Archduke at all costs, forming what will be the Royal Guards of the Archduke of Mondtburg, led by Major Colonel Hubert von Fitzen.

Conservative Leader Legard was treated for minor cuts after being pelted by rocks by protesters in the western city of Cauville in Balenos. Chancellor von Lohen and other party leaders from across the spectrum denounced the violence and appealed for calm.

The Union council has now after many months of planning adopted capitalism into the now mixed economy by releasing previously private owned companies back to their owners. Businesses whose owners have no heir or currectly reside outside the Union (mostly Fornoire) will have their assets auctioned also some businesses will remain state owned more to be released.

Preparations are underway throughout Noveaux for the Moons' Light Feast on the 31st in celebration of the twin Lunar Gods Ullrian and Cassian.
Conservative Leader Legard has returned to the campaign trail after being released from the hospital.

Councillor Ali has announced the termination of the Alssahran alliance with Fornoire. Pending

Fornoire's government is holding an emergency meeting on the Alssahran betrayal.

3N (Novean National News) is currently running a series of polls for the upcoming Snap Elections. As of now the National Liberals are looking at a large comeback from their 12% in the last elections to polling at 32%. Behind them the Grand Order Party is polling at 28% with the United Greens at 12%, Unity at 10% and the Conservatives are polling at 18%. Four days to go till the election.

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